
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

June 27, 2003



Lambert gets up too damn early in the morning. Before I get a chance to even access the site he points out Mr. Krugman's editorial (having apparently worked out that Atriosian style we all know and love):

Toward One-Party Rule

In principle, Mexico's 1917 Constitution established a democratic political system. In practice, until very recently Mexico was a one-party state. While the ruling party employed intimidation and electoral fraud when necessary, mainly it kept control through patronage, cronyism and corruption. All powerful interest groups, including the media, were effectively part of the party's political machine.

Such systems aren't unknown here � think of Richard J. Daley's Chicago. But can it happen to the United States as a whole? A forthcoming article in The Washington Monthly shows that the foundations for one-party rule are being laid right now.

In "Welcome to the Machine," Nicholas Confessore draws together stories usually reported in isolation � from the drive to privatize Medicare, to the pro-tax-cut fliers General Motors and Verizon recently included with the dividend checks mailed to shareholders, to the pro-war rallies organized by Clear Channel radio stations. As he points out, these are symptoms of the emergence of an unprecedented national political machine, one that is well on track to establishing one-party rule in America.

Not only do I want to point out I've pulled together many references of the same sort together for much the same reason, but that I use the handle "the Machine" on my favorite discussion board.

I think we're talking plagiarism here.


Never mind.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/27/2003 05:32:04 AM |

Posted by P6 at June 27, 2003 05:32 AM | Trackback URL:
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