
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

July 02, 2003



I pay no attention to this thing, so if it weren't for Resonance I'd have never known that Chris Matthews took it to task over it's book, "Treason."

And there's a transcript.

MATTHEWS: Yes, but the problem I have is that a lot of Republicans...
COULTER: They do not oppose...
MATTHEWS: ... in fact, most Republicans in the country opposed the Second World War...
COULTER: Let met finish...
MATTHEWS: No. I want to make a point in response to that, because I think a lot of Republicans have opposed a lot of wars over time, and you haven�t called them traitors. Why do you call Democrats traitors when they oppose a war?
COULTER: To get back to this point. Once you have an entire series of incidents-why is it that the Democratic Party keeps consistently taking the position that is most contrary to this country�s national interest? When you have someone like Pat Buchanan or Novak, you say, well, we disagree on this issue. The Democrats fight unwinable wars. They lose continents to communism. They�ve consistently been on the wrong side of every issue.
MATTHEWS: Was World War II a Democrat war?
COULTER: That�s why it�s 50 years and not 60.
MATTHEWS: Were the Republicans willing to oppose World War II before Pearl Harbor right? And they vigorously opposed getting involved in the war in Europe.
COULTER: As I describe in my book, they were wrong and I have to describe this...
MATTHEWS: The Republicans were wrong?
COULTER: Yes, they were.
MATTHEWS: Were they traitors?
COULTER: No. They came around...
MATTHEWS: But when liberals oppose wars, they are treasonists.
. . . .
MATTHEWS: Well, I tell you. If you want it at that level, you got it right here. Anyway, she�s a great writer. I don�t agree with her, but she�s a hell of a writer. And thank you very much for coming on. She�s a real charmer. Ann Coulter. The last book was called �Slander.� Maybe this one should have been called that too.

Oof. And that was Chris Matthews.

You think the media might actually be waking up? Or is it just that as the stories they dutifully repeated continually fall apart they're trying not to become more hated than lawyers?

posted by Prometheus 6 at 7/2/2003 12:04:31 AM |

Posted by P6 at July 2, 2003 12:04 AM | Trackback URL:
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