
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

July 01, 2003


Politics and culture

The other day, when I chose to go uptown and hang with devorah instead of correcting the grammar and such on the blog, she was staying with Jeffery and Meg Henson-Scales. Meg, an artist, writer photographer and activist, used to run a site called Meg-a-world, which I don't link to only because there's some serious restructuring going on.

There's a couple of chunks of it still on the net, though. The Environmental Justice/ Environmental Racism page is still up because she's rather annoyed at the disregard our Republican extremists have for the environment in general and the environment of minorities in particular. It's a page of links to important environmental racism projects. A couple of random samples (she got this centering thing going on, don't blame me):

West Harlem Environmental Action
presented a national conference and community dialogue in Harlem on:
*** Human Genetics, Environment, and Communities of Color:
Ethical and Social Implications ***
Keep an eye on them at
They have a vision.

The National Lead Information Center
has a lot of useful information- stuff you'd never dream of having to know-
yet you must-- Proof that what you don't know can hurt you,
especially if you have young 'uns.
This is also the home of the National Safety Council,
with sites devoted to what they call Environmental Health Center,
Air Quality, Hazardous Chemicals, and as they
jubilantly announce, "and More!"

Dr. Alx Dark has put together this exhaustive page
of links about Native Americans & the Environment
for you, God and the world to see. Help yourself, and thank Dr. Dark
for his fine effort, while you're there. He's mighty busy.

is an interesting new site about Belize, that just came
to my attention. Belize is paradise. I know it (been there),
the people who put together this site know it,
and you can know it too..

If she wasn't my girl, I'd just steal all her links for this site.

She also has a couple of Womanist (as opposed to Feminist) essays still available, Man, God, & the Okey-Doke, and Tenderheaded, as well as a photography/essay collaboration with Jeffrey called (In) the Visible Man. You want to talk some truly excellent photography, check the essay then try this and this. These are some more names I'm proud to drop.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 7/1/2003 06:50:07 PM |

Posted by P6 at July 1, 2003 06:50 PM | Trackback URL:
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