
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

June 29, 2003


I absolutely must reorganize the blogroll

Let me show you the snippet Technorati listed in my link cosmos for OneWomanWreckingCrew

1: one w o m a n wrecking crew 3 inbound blogs, 3 inbound links (Last updated 12 hours 46 minutes ago)
Su Tzu's Chinese Philosophy Page The Golden Elixir Kuan Yin Prophecies Lightworker Cards Osho Zen & Transformation Tarot The Alchemist Facade Tarot.Com Times To Come Matrix Oracles Llewellyn Web Tarot *I Visit These Too* The Deep Pink Whiskey Bar Prometheus 6

Sun Tzu? The Golden Elixir? There is no way I do not check this out.

Not only does this woman wander a parallel universe very similar to mine, she is to my knowledge the only grandmother in the known universe successfully running Linux. And to top it off, I'm on the same blogroll as Enya. The mind boggles.

Fact is, I could drop her right in there with the rest of the lefties on the list. But it's the eclectivity rather than the politics that intrigues me.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/29/2003 01:47:56 PM |

Posted by P6 at June 29, 2003 01:47 PM | Trackback URL:
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