Almost there
Well, my keyboard is fixed, all my bookmarks for both IE and Mozilla have been copied to the new machine, security fixes have been installed, Blogger seems to have worked a few kinks out of the new editor (like it doesn't scream on me for using style and class attributes in my div tags anymore)… we 'bout good ta go.
It's curious, though… back in the day (MSDOS 3.x) the first things I'd put on a new computer were my "productivity applications." Got to the point that I'd install my programming environments first, then the office suites. Now I feel I can barely use a machine that's not on the net… and don't even talk to me about dial-up anymore. Put me somewhere without either DSL or able modem and you'll be looking at one depressed brother.
Anyway, I have a few more things to move around and clean up, but nothing that will get in the way of blogging… and I know nobody but me cares about the rest of my life so that all you'll hear about mechanical difficulties around here for a considerable amout of time.
posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/29/2003 12:51:50 PM |
Posted by P6 at June 29, 2003 12:51 PM | Trackback URL: