
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

July 10, 2003


This is deeper then hell

Just read.

Was The 2002 Election Stolen?

The most disquieting thing, to me, about electronic voting machines is there is no physical artifact. Punch cards may have hanging chads, but at least chads can be counted. Without a physical artifact, proving a vote occurred, you cannot prove that votes were not stolen, totals manipulated, and democracy stolen.

Now, a New Zealand political activist, Bev Harris, has found out how last year�s election might have been stolen using the Diebold systems now in use. The story has already made its way to England and is being discussed at Slashdot.

The author has put online seven gigabytes of data, from CDs allegedly accessible in Georgia at the time of the last election, files which would have allowed Republicans to steal that election. (Background: Republicans swept the Georgia elections in 2002 after polls throughout the campaign showed Democrats comfortably ahead. Personal point: I live in Georgia.)

… The author wants you to go to their Web site, download the files, test them, mirror them, check them out, spread them around, and look for evidence to prove the 2002 elections were stolen.

If they is true, it is bigger than Watergate, bigger than any scandal ever in American political history.

The article in question has this statement at it's head:
IMPORTANT NOTE: Publication of this story marks a watershed in American political history. It is offered freely for publication in full or part on any and all internet forums, blogs and noticeboards. All other media are also encouraged to utilise material. Readers are encouraged to forward this to friends and acquaintances in the United States and elsewhere.

This is no joke.

Read the article I've linked to, go to the original source article. Follow up on this, I know damn well I will. I may not blog another damn thing today.

Spread the word about this, please. If it's wrong, it needs to be shot down, If not, it needs to be brought to the forefront.

There should be no partisanship in the BlogNet on this. There should be a unified effort to determine the truth.

This may be more important than any political story, any war story, any economic story you are reading or considering publishing on your blog.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 7/10/2003 09:51:40 AM |

Posted by P6 at July 10, 2003 09:51 AM | Trackback URL:
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