
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

July 09, 2003


Typepad tests

No, I'm not a beta tester. But Al-Muhajabah is, and she's set up a test blog called Muslims For Kucinich. Typical MT-looking blog, it appears the innovation is all in the author user interface. That's a Good Thingtm, since MT on the reader UI side seems to have coalesced around a very workable standard.

Another test blog is Formerly Echo, a bloggification of the TheAPIThatWouldHaveBeenFormerlyKnownAsEcho that attempts to extract reason out of "the total assness of Wiki" (though I've figured out wikis can be useful, I still think that was funny). I'm watching this because I'd really like to know what's going on without wading through the personal toxicity of the RSS 1.0 vs RSS 2.0 camps. Eventually something will copme out of all that noise which will be used, but… well, anyway, I just want to know.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 7/9/2003 09:11:51 AM |

Posted by P6 at July 9, 2003 09:11 AM | Trackback URL:
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