
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

July 08, 2003


Manual shizzolation

Josh Marshal gave us a piece of the transcript wherein it was shown even the inestimable Ari Fleischer can't wiggle out of the Iraq/African uranium lie. In honor of Black English Month I thought I'd take a shot at translating it.

Q: Can you give us the White House account of Ambassador Wilson's account of what happened when he went to Niger and investigated the suggestions that Niger was passing yellow cake to Iraq? I'm sure you saw the piece yesterday in The New York Times.
Q: Ambassador Wilson called you out on the African uranum thing. What's up with that?

FLEISCHER: Well, there is zero, nada, nothing new here. Ambassador Wilson, other than the fact that now people know his name, has said all this before. But the fact of the matter is in his statements about the Vice President -- the Vice President's office did not request the mission to Niger. The Vice President's office was not informed of his mission and he was not aware of Mr. Wilson's mission until recent press accounts -- press reports accounted for it.

So this was something that the CIA undertook as part of their regular review of events, where they sent him. But they sent him on their own volition, and the Vice President's office did not request it. Now, we've long acknowledged -- and this is old news, we've said this repeatedly -- that the information on yellow cake did, indeed, turn out to be incorrect.

Fleischer: Wilson's just showing out. We told you all about that. It was just the CIA doing its thang, we wasn't involved, know what I'm saying? They ain't told us people was perpetrating until now, so we told you.

[Here there were questions unrelated to the Niger-uranium issue - tpm ed. note]
[Other stuff gets asked]

Q: I just want to take you back to your answer before, when you said you have long acknowledged that the information on yellow cake turned out to be incorrect. If I remember right, you only acknowledged the Niger part of it as being incorrect -- I think what the --
Q: So your saying the shit didn't come from Niger

FLEISCHER: That's correct.
Fleischer: Riiiiight...

Q: I think what the President said during his State of the Union was he --
Q: But the Prez said...

FLEISCHER: When I refer to yellow cake I refer to Niger. The question was on the context of Ambassador Wilson's mission.
Fleischer: Yo, you asked about Niger. That's all I'm sayin.

Q: So are you saying the President's broader reference to Africa, which included other countries that were named in the NIE, were those also incorrect?
Q: Aight, aight. But the Prez said some other Africans was scheming too.

FLEISCHER: Well, I think the President's statement in the State of the Union was much broader than the Niger question.
Fleischer: And?

Q: Is the President's statement correct?
Q: Well? What up with that?

FLEISCHER: I'm referring specifically to the Niger piece when I say that
Fleischer: Yo, you asked about Niger. That's all I was talking about, that's all I'm saying.

Q: Do you hold that the President -- when you look at the totality of the sentence that the President uttered that day on the subject, are you confident that he was correct?
Q: Fine, man. But now I'm asking about the whole damn thing. You still saying them other Africans was gaming shit?

FLEISCHER: Yes, I see nothing that goes broader that would indicate that there was no basis to the President's broader statement. But specifically on the yellow cake, the yellow cake for Niger, we've acknowledged that that information did turn out to be a forgery.
Fleischer: Dubya said it, and I'm not the one that's gonna call him a liar. That's why I'm just taking about Niger. Nothing else. Nothing.

Q: The President's statement was accurate?
Q: So what you're saying is some unscrupulous Africans was selling bomb shit.

FLEISCHER: We see nothing that would dissuade us from the President's broader statement.
Fleischer: If that's what the Prez was saying, then that's what I'm saying. Know what I'm saying?

Q: Ari, that means that, indeed, you all believe that Saddam Hussein was trying to obtain uranium from an African nation; is that correct?
Q: Okay. So when I walk outta here, I'm telling people y'all still representing like the Africans was all selling bomb shit to Saddam Hussein. You cool with that?

FLEISCHER: What the President said in his statement was that according to a British report they were trying to obtain uranium. When I answered the question it was, again, specifically about the Niger piece involving yellow cake.
Fleischer: Damn, man, why you trying to catch me out there like that? Man, the Prez didn't even say they did that shit. He said the BRITISH said they did that shit. I told you about Niger dawg, why don't you drop that shit?

Q: So you believe the British report that he was trying to obtain uranium from an African nation is true?
Q: Aight. So you believe some old he-said-she-said the British started?

FLEISCHER: I'm sorry?
Fleischer: Whut?

Q: If you're hanging on the British report, you believe that that British report was true, you have no reason to believe --
Q: The British started the shit, and you rolling with it, right?

FLEISCHER: I'm sorry, I see what David is asking. Let me back up on that and explain the President's statement again, or the answer to it.

The President's statement was based on the predicate of the yellow cake from Niger. The President made a broad statement. So given the fact that the report on the yellow cake did not turn out to be accurate, that is reflective of the President's broader statement, David. So, yes, the President' broader statement was based and predicated on the yellow cake from Niger.

Fleischer: OH, OH, OH, my bad. Aight, I'ma clean shit up for you.

See, even though Prez read the British report that put things on those specific Niger brothers, he didn't say that. He just said it was some Black guys. Feel me?

Q: So it was wrong?
Q: So Prez fukked up, huh?

FLEISCHER: That's what we've acknowledged with the information on --
Fleischer: Look, I'm saying...

Q: The President's statement at the State of the Union was incorrect?
Q: Son. He fukked up, right?

FLEISCHER: Because it was based on the yellow cake from Niger.
Fleischer: Aight, that wasn't the report he was s'posed to base thangs on. Satisfied?

Q: Well, wait a minute, but the explanation we've gotten before was it was based on Niger and the other African nations that have been named in the national intelligence --
Q: But yo. We was told it wasn't just Niger, man. Y'all named names and and everythang.

FLEISCHER: But, again, the information on -- the President did not have that information prior to his giving the State of the Union.
Fleischer: Again, dawg, I'm insisting the Prez didn't know he had fukked up data.

Q: Which gets to the crux of what Ambassador Wilson is now alleging -- that he provided this information to the State Department and the CIA 11 months before the State of the Union and he is amazed that it, nonetheless, made it into the State of the Union address. He believes that that information was deliberately ignored by the White House. Your response to that?
Q: But see that's the problem. Wilson's saying he gave it up so long ago that the only way the Prez could miss it is if he's stupid or grimey... and he ain't calling nobody stupid, you know?

FLEISCHER: And that's way, again, he's making the statement that -- he is saying that surely the Vice President must have known, or the White House must have known. And that's not the case, prior to the State of the Union.
Fleischer: He's wrong.

Q: He's saying that surely people at the decision-making level within the NSC would have known the information which he -- passed on to both the State Department and the CIA.
Q: He's saying he gave it up to all the right people, man. People who's down with Prez.

FLEISCHER: And the information about the yellow cake and Niger was not specifically known prior to the State of the Union by the White House.
Fleischer: I'm telling you, he's wrong. Ain't nobody give nobody nothing up in here.

Q: What does that say about communications?
Q: So you hear all the British gossip and don't talk to your own? What's up with that?

FLEISCHER: We've acknowledged that the information turned out to be bogus involving the report on the yellow cake. That is not new. You can go back. You can look it up. Dr. Rice has said it repeatedly. I've said it repeatedly. It's been said from this podium on the record, in several instances. It's been said to many of you in this room, specifically.
Fleischer: Why you trying to catch me out there, man? Daaaaaamn...

Q: But, Ari, even if you said that the Niger thing was wrong, the next line has usually been that the President's statement was deliberately broader than Niger, it referred to all of Africa. The national intelligence estimate discusses other countries in Africa that there were attempts to purchase yellow cake from, or other sources of uranium --
Q: Why you trying to play me?

FLEISCHER: Let me do this, David. On your specific question I'm going to come back and post the specific answer on the broader statement on the speech.
Fleischer: Look. Son. Give me some time and I'll break shit down later. I need to be particular about how I answer this non-particular shit, and that ain't easy. Even I can't do that on the fly.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 7/8/2003 06:25:59 PM |

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