
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

July 19, 2003


Editorial run

The Marketing of Political Clout
Hearings on President Bush's judicial nominees have stumbled upon another slippery rock in the fetid landscape of politicians' soliciting corporate America for donations.

Going Home, to Red Ink and Blues
If the budget crisis persists, and it is likely to so long as Washington is distracted and unhelpful, towns like Yamhill, Ore., will lose some of their heart and vitality.

The Founders and the Fedayeen
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has compared postwar Iraq to postrevolutionary America. But the comparison rings hollow.

Keeping Head Start strong and successful
(By Julius B. Richmond and Judith Palfrey)
THE BUSH administration's proposal to shift the Head Start program to the states should win an award for the worst domestic policy proposal of the year. To understand why, let's review the history of the program and the commitment the nation has made to enhance the development of its young, poor children.
[p6: keep the way Head Start is being treated in mind every time someone says affirmative action should be based on economic status instead of race]

Malpractice distraction
NO ONE need shed tears for the malpractice reform bill that was defeated in the US Senate last week. It would have done little to affect the forces driving up insurance premiums for doctors. With it out of the way, Congress should back new ways of fairly compensating patients and their families who suffer from avoidable bad outcomes without requiring them to take their doctors to court.

The Boondocks once again cuts through the chaff.
Jeff Danziger could conceivably be arrested for espionage behind this one.
David Horsey shows that Bill Bennett still influences the administration.

[Listening to: Space Jam - Brown Starr]

posted by Prometheus 6 at 7/19/2003 05:45:16 AM |

Posted by P6 at July 19, 2003 05:45 AM | Trackback URL:
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