
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

July 18, 2003


Oh, this is just ugly

Man, I could feel sorry for Scott McClellan. If the press had been this hard on ol' Ari, he'd have no hair left at all.

QUESTION: Regardless of whether or not there was pressure from the White House for that line, I'm wondering where does the buck stop in this White House? Does it stop at the CIA, or does it stop in the Oval Office?
QUESTION: Bottom line it for me bruh. Who da man, Tee or Prez?
Scott McClellan: Again, this issue has been discussed. You're talking about some of the comments that -- some that are --
Scott McClellan: uhh... uhh...

QUESTION: I'm not talking about anybody else's comments. I'm asking the question, is responsibility for what was in the President's own State of the Union ultimately with the President, or with somebody else?
QUESTION: You heard me, boy. Is Prez the man or is he fronting for somebody else?
Scott McClellan: This has been discussed.
Scott McClellan: uhh... uhh...

QUESTION: Well, that's an excellent question. That is an excellent question. (Laughter.) Isn't the President responsible for the words that come out of his own mouth?
QUESTION: Youse a little punk muhfugga, ain't you? (Laughter) Can't your boy back up alla that mouth?
Scott McClellan: We've already acknowledged, Terry, that it should not have been included in there. I think that the American people appreciate that recognition.
Scott McClellan: Come on, man…stop messing with me…
QUESTION: And so when there's intelligence in a speech, the President is not responsible for that?
[p6: Obviously, if there's intelligence in a speech it's not a speech by Dubya.]

[p6: Sorry. I just had to field that one myself. Carry on…]
QUESTION: Let me come back to your "nonsense" statement here, and let me slice it as thinly as I possibly can, just growing out of what Scott asked. Is it nonsense to say that the White House wanted this information included in the State of the Union and negotiated with the CIA to find a way to put it in to the State of the Union?
QUESTION: Look, bitch. I gotta smack your ass up to get a straight answer outta you?
Scott McClellan: I'm sorry?
Scott McClellan: Stooooop!

QUESTION: Is it nonsense to say that the White House wanted this information in the speech and went through negotiations with the CIA on a way to get it in the speech?
Scott McClellan: That there were discussions? Speech drafts go -- we've stated that these speeches go out to the principals, it goes out to the State, it goes out to DOD, it goes out to CIA, when it's going through the drafting process.
Scott McClellan: Aaaaagh!!

…and it goes downhill from there.

I can't watch anymore. This is the last Black English Month press conference translation I'm doing.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 7/18/2003 02:48:04 AM |

Posted by P6 at July 18, 2003 02:48 AM | Trackback URL:
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