
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

July 17, 2003


Don't write us, we'll write you

White House E-Mail System Becomes Less User-Friendly

Do you want to send an e-mail message to the White House?

Good luck.

In the past, to tell President Bush - or at least those assigned to read his mail - what was on your mind it was necessary only to sit down at a personal computer connected to the Internet and dash off a note to [email protected].

But this week, Tom Matzzie, an online organizer with the A.F.L.-C.I.O., discovered that communicating with the White House had become a bit more daunting. When Mr. Matzzie sent an e-mail protest against a Bush administration policy, the message was bounced back with an automated reply, saying he had to send it again in a new way.

Under a system deployed on the White House Web site for the first time last week, those who want to send a message to President Bush must now navigate as many as nine Web pages and fill out a detailed form that starts by asking whether the message sender supports White House policy or differs with it.

The White House says the new e-mail system, at www.whitehouse .gov/webmail, is an effort to be more responsive to the public and offer the administration "real time" access to citizen comments.

Effort to be more responsive, huh? Take a look at the process (courtesy of the NY Times) and tell me if the lamest web designer in the world would be unable to tell this is no more or less than an obstacle course.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 7/17/2003 11:27:57 PM |

Posted by P6 at July 17, 2003 11:27 PM | Trackback URL:
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