
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

July 30, 2003


Editorial Run

Poindexter's Follies
Revelations about his idea to trade in terrorism futures has made one thing clear: The time has come to send John Poindexter packing.

Blanket of Dread
Even now that it's clear they played up the terror angle, the administration refuses to level with the public

The Pentagon's Eastern Obsession
Moving our military bases from Germany to Romania, Poland and Bulgaria would have few advantages, and may be a case of the Bush administration cutting off its nose to spite its face.

Why Liberia matters
A collapsed West Africa could become, like the Taliban's Afghanistan, a haven for terrorists and narcotics.

Bush and Blair, so far, face different fates
Prime Minister Tony Blair has suffered a catastrophic loss of public trust, while President Bush has not--at least not yet.

When America goes it alone, we all pay
The notion of internationalism adopted by the Bush administration creates debilitating global uncertainty.

Ethiopia needs a lifeline
There is no greater impending humanitarian emergency than the crisis in Ethiopia.

Tom Toles shows why Dubya should reconsider his position on capital punishment.
Pat Oliphant on why Dubya's choices may, in fact, be quite limited.
Jeff Danziger shows a true oil-man's solution to the problems in Iraq.
Ted Rall asks the musical question, "What's one more lie between friends?"

Actually, you should start reading Ted Rall here and hit the "next date" link until you run out of dates. If you're short on time, then read this, and this, and this.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 7/30/2003 09:01:23 AM |

Posted by P6 at July 30, 2003 09:01 AM | Trackback URL:
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