
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

July 28, 2003


I have NOT been slacking

What I have been doing, in fact, is editing the posts and comments in the reparations discussion we recently had. They, the incomplete Racism series (which I intend to get back to) and probably the upcoming Equal Time series will become a permanent feature of the site.

The reparations series is done. Once I find all the racism posts they'll be prepared too.

Truth to tell, though, I do feel like I've been slacking a bit. What I've been doing is strictly mechanical, not creative or analytical at all. On the other hand, how many folks do you need to tell you the feds are liars today?

It's funny, Progressives and Conservatives have reversed their positions…their sound bytes, actually…as regards the trustworthiness of the Federal government. Well, maybe not funny. But the what and why of the reversal is indicative of the reasons I become more certain of my political disposition (as opposed to my political positions, which are always open to further examination and refinement) the more I learn of the alternatives.

When Conservatives hated the Federal Government, they hated it on High Principle. The very concept of Big Government was an affront to freedom-loving Americans, stealing their money and still spending more than they stole. Now, Conservatives—or at least their accepted spokepersons—want to brand anyone that disagrees with the Federal government on their forehead with a big


And after reading the comments on that post of Venomous Kate's that I linked to yesterday, I really don't understand Conservative women. How can you be part of a group half of which wants your ass back in the Stone Age?

As for Libertarians, they're just silly. Despite a strong intellectual attraction to the philosophy, our nature as social animals simply makes all that independence impossible. We must, interact, we will impact each others lives, our very presence is a mutual imposition without which we'd starve. Our intellect must be bent, not to breaking the requirements of our nature but to honing the expression of it so that the institutions we build support rather than deny us. Or maybe that's just the Black guy in me talking, I don't know…

posted by Prometheus 6 at 7/28/2003 07:39:28 PM |

Posted by P6 at July 28, 2003 07:39 PM | Trackback URL:
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