
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

August 28, 2003


Spare me

Yeah we got false Iraq arms tips…only "we" is us citizens, and the source of the false tips never thought they'd have to answer for it.

U.S. Suspects It Received False Iraq Arms Tips
Intelligence officials are reexamining data used in justifying the war. They say Hussein's regime may have sent bogus defectors.
By Bob Drogin
Times Staff Writer

August 28, 2003

WASHINGTON — Frustrated at the failure to find Saddam Hussein's suspected stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, U.S. and allied intelligence agencies have launched a major effort to determine if they were victims of bogus Iraqi defectors who planted disinformation to mislead the West before the war.

The goal, according to a senior U.S. intelligence official, "is to see if false information was put out there and got into legitimate channels and we were totally duped on it." He added, "We're reinterviewing all our sources of information on this. This is the entire intelligence community, not just the U.S."

The far-reaching review was started after a political firestorm erupted this summer over revelations that President Bush's claim in his State of the Union speech that Iraq had sought to import uranium from Niger was based on forged documents.

Although senior CIA officials insist that defectors were only partly responsible for the intelligence that triggered the decision to invade Iraq in March, other intelligence officials now fear that key portions of the prewar information may have been flawed. The issue raises fresh doubts as to whether illicit weapons will be found in Iraq.

Posted by P6 at August 28, 2003 04:02 AM | Trackback URL:
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