
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

August 28, 2003


I repeat my prediction

No candidate will drop out, no candidate will get enough support to lock down the Democratic nomination. Gore/Clark will be the ticket.

If Clark runs, all bets are off
(By Robert Kuttner)

WESLEY CLARK has told associates that he will decide in the next few weeks whether to declare for president. If he does, it would transform the race. Call me star-struck, but he'd instantly be among the top tier. Clark, in case you've been on sabbatical in New Zealand, is all over the talk shows. He's the former NATO supreme commander who headed operations in Kosovo, a Rhodes Scholar who graduated first in his class at West Point, and a Vietnam vet with several combat medals including a purple heart. He has been a tough critic of Bush's foreign policy. His domestic positions are not as fully fashioned, but he'd repeal Bush's tax cuts and revisit the so-called Patriot Act.

Posted by P6 at August 28, 2003 04:34 AM | Trackback URL:


Posted by at August 28, 2003 03:11 PM 

Yup. I think Gore will make more speeches like the one he gave for MoveOn and be drafted by the convention. The speeches will get him some progressive support and he's got DLC backing locked. Gore/Clark would be a winner.

Posted by at August 28, 2003 03:15 PM 
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