If you haven't checked out Open Source Politics yet, you should. Lotsa well-written righteous indignation that most people with a job and EVERYONE without one will appreciate, including special props for teachers, who deserve it for hanging on through Dubya's "Child Kiss My Behind" program.
It's not all complaining, though. Have you ever been curious about how Microsoft finds all those clever programmers (and no matter what you think of the company, their programmers are good)? Well, a new book describes Microsoft's unique process for separating the wheat from the chaff, and said book is reviewed on OSP today.
And tomorrow…well, I'll tell you about that tomorrow.
Posted by P6 at September 4, 2003 11:24 AM | Trackback URL: http://www.prometheus6.org/mt/mt-tb.cgi/1537I just checked out the SiteMeter report for that site (it's open) and it's getting about 4K unique vistors per day. Not a bad start.
Can I hear an "Aaaaaaaaaa - MEN" to the launch of Open Source Politics! Thanks for the post, Sir!