
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

September 06, 2003


Plans for today

I am not going to be visibly creative on P6 today.

This admission isn't something that actually fits the profile of subject that I deal with here, but I find blogging to be oddly therapeutic. I totally understand people who use it as a kind of shouting in the wind journal. The fact that I have some readers (fewer regulars than my Ecosystem status would lead one to believe, I suspect) is icing on the cake. That I've apparently inspired some thought here and there is a Good Thing, I think (the therapy is not to support a fragile ego).

But something is still missing.

Prometheus 6 deals with current events, surface manifestations. I shout in the wind about the inner patterns that generate those surface effects. I need to work in more metaphors than the political and economic one P6 was born in. I need to play with some of this web tech. I need to write more poetry and satire and just do stuff without necessarily needing to translate from my inner structure into the common tongue.

So I'll be working on that other low key venue I mentioned yesterday. Between that and some meat-space requirements I'll be pretty busy.

In my long-standing tradition of being unable to keep a secret you can look here to get a preliminary visual of the sub-joint. Evil plans have been laid for the implementation, none of which are currently visible but some of which are described in a test post.

And if you aren't much interested in that, well, I'll drop some stuff on P6 from the days when I started the analysis that brought me to the present view I have of things, when I was doing essays on the regular as part of my efforts to figure stuff out fr myself. Since I seem to be headed back in that direction, I thought they'd make an interesting point of reference.

Posted by P6 at September 6, 2003 10:25 AM | Trackback URL:
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