
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

September 10, 2003


I think I have too many RSS feeds

You can keep up with Ghod knows how many blogs with an RSS reader.

The thing is, I'm not sure I want to. The amount of ignorance, willful blindness or just toadying and toeing the party line—and yes, I'm talking about the conservatives out there—is unbelievable. Add to that the denial about racial realities and I become seriously concerned.

Take for instance the post immediately below this one. It's about Tapped's great moral concern over "identity politics." Given the reality of the situation, what's the alternative? None, Atrios was right and anyone with even a single eye can see that. But did you read the comments to my post? Brad DeLong (whose name I will capitalize correctly from now on) said:

I think you overestimate the theoretical sophistication of TAPPED. What is driving TAPPED is--in my humble opinion--not the belief that Black identity is unimportant in a world in which a white felon gets called for many more job interviews than an otherwise similar Black male.

What is driving TAPPED is the fact that Richard Nixon's decision in the 1960s to turn the Republican Party into the Party That Doesn't Like Black People has been a tremendous electoral success for Republicans, and that TAPPED is desperate to find a way to somehow minimize this factor in American elections.

If true, and Brad has shown himself to be perceptive so his opinion has weight with me, the folks at Tapped are more concerned that people they have influence with return to power than morality…and they seem willing to sell out minorities to make that happen. At minimum they are trying to convince minorities to set aside our interests for the benefit of others. Again. And if we do, what happens when "liberals" take control again? Do we get to be heard then?


Because it will just have been proven that the way to gain and keep power is to ignore minorities!

There's a lot of people out there in the mainstream that, whether they understand my issues or not (many don't) do not accept this. I know that. But it feels to me like the DLC and its ilk are a fifth column in progressive ranks.

I also know there's a number of white folks that understand, if not feel, the issues. Frankly, this nation's only hope it that those white folks speak up and more…that the truth they speak is accepted. That people recognize that we can do more than one thing at a time, that white people, Black people, Mexican people Amerind people, European, Asian and African immigrant people have issue that can all be addressed if the greed and power hunger of a few are not permitted to run roughshod over the morals and ethics this nation professes.

I know the USofA did NOT become the power it is today through the neat power sharing methods it promotes for the use of other nations. But I know that as a nation we are wealthy and powerful enough to do what we demand of other.

I just hope the nation decides to do it, at least within our national territory.

Posted by P6 at September 10, 2003 08:37 PM | Trackback URL:
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