
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

September 16, 2003




NOW's Woman Problem

The National Organization for Women has chosen a peculiar way to enhance the clout of women in politics. The group has joined another feminist outpost, the National Women's Political Caucus, in endorsing Carol Moseley Braun, the former senator from Illinois and ambassador to New Zealand, for president of the United States.

No question Ms. Braun has a strong record on women's rights issues that are a priority for NOW, like pay equity and reproductive choice. As the first black woman ever to be elected to the Senate, she has already secured a place in history.

But those pluses notwithstanding, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that Ms. Braun's presidential bid is a vanity affair. Her scarcely funded campaign seems less a serious bid for the White House than a personal quest to return to the limelight and redeem a reputation clouded ? unfairly, according to Ms. Braun ? by questions about her ethics and judgment that contributed to her 1998 defeat for a second Senate term.

There is a place in the American political system for symbolic candidacies that advance important principles. But it is hard to see a principle that distinguishes Ms. Braun's candidacy, other than perhaps the right of a tarnished former official to seek the nation's highest office.

By racing to assist Ms. Braun's candidacy, the leaders of NOW showed loyalty to someone with a long relationship with the organization, going back to the unsuccessful struggle to enact the Equal Rights Amendment. But they also trivialized the important role women will play in the coming election, and made themselves look silly to boot.


NOW's Endorsement

To the Editor:

Re "NOW's Woman Problem" (editorial, Sept. 14):

One of the reasons women had to struggle so long to win the vote ? and why we continue to fight for full equality ? is the trivializing of women and our concerns.

It smacks of sexism when the endorsement of two major women's organizations is demeaned as "silly." And it smacks of more than that when a qualified African-American woman who is running for president is disparaged not for her experience or platform but for her presumed "vanity."

NOW has more than 500,000 contributing members, and our goal is to take action to advance women's equality. Carol Moseley Braun, a forceful ally with a strong record, is getting women's issues onto the table and into the political debate, and she deserves our support.

We've never made endorsements to impress the media or the pundits, and we're not going to start now. That would be silly.
National Organization for Women
Washington, Sept. 14, 2003

Posted by P6 at September 16, 2003 12:54 AM | Trackback URL:
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