
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

September 16, 2003


Welfare states

Not the first time I've run across this argument, but I'm at the keyboard.

Kevin at CalPundit asked himself why California is broke:

Well, one reason is that Californians pay about $255 billion in total taxes to the federal government but receive back only $195 billion in services. That's a difference of $60 billion.

In other words, California subsidizes other states to the tune of $60 billion a year. If even half that money were used here instead — for California roads, California schools, and California cops — we could have wiped out our deficit and lowered taxes at the same time.

So who's getting all our dough? Why, all those hard working, salt of the earth, traditionally valued red states, that's who. The same ones who tell us they represent "real" America and complain endlessly about our elitist values, our anti-business attitudes, and our socialistic tax system. In fact, it turns out that with only 12 exceptions the net contributors to the federal budget are blue states and the net sucker-uppers are red states.

Posted by P6 at September 16, 2003 08:57 PM | Trackback URL:

So, uh, did anyone point out to Kevin that his own position is just as hypocritical?

Given that, you know, most of those folks he's criticizing want to cut taxes and lay more on the states, so each state pays for its own needs more? Which, as I recall, is something the Left is supposedly against.

Gotta watch it when you call someone out as a hypocrite, you may just wind up having the finger pointed back at you. Wouldn't it be better, maybe, to start asking yourself if your opponents don't have some good ideas now and then?

Posted by at September 17, 2003 05:56 AM 

Kevin only looks hypocritical if you take the single post to be his entire position.

You know, I can't see calling for states to handle their own business when the evidience at hand indicates your own state couldn't do it if required to as a good idea. Call me silly, it just strikes me that way.

So even if I were willing to consider the ideas of people who reflexively oppose mine (I'm not) irrationalities like this would convince me my energies are better spent in honest, complete evaluation and decision making than in weeding through the rubble in the hopes of finding a coin here or there.

Posted by at September 17, 2003 07:34 AM 
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