
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

September 17, 2003


Another unhappy customer

Man, ain't nobody happy with Dick today.

Cheney's misspeaking streak

By Derrick Z. Jackson, 9/17/2003

DICK CHENEY has lived off his press clippings far too long. In 2000, Cheney was the stealth vice presidential candidate whose image obliterated his radical associations with the far right and oil. Next to presidential candidate George W. Bush, who had little foreign experience. Cheney, a former defense secretary, White House chief of staff, and congressman, was described by both Republicans and Democrats as adding "gravitas," "weight," "heft," and "integrity" to the ticket.

His balding dome, round body, and soft voice led many to describe him as "grandfatherly." He was described by political analysts and journalists as a safe and even boring addition to the ticket who would "do no harm" to Bush's bid for the White House.

Three years later, the stealth grandfather is the hired gun. His harm to America's integrity is now incalculable.

Posted by P6 at September 17, 2003 02:02 PM | Trackback URL:

I've felt for a long time that Cheney has a void where his soul should be.

Posted by at September 17, 2003 06:29 PM 

I checked. His soul went for £2075, and he bought more stock in Halliburton with it.

Posted by at September 17, 2003 07:24 PM 
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