
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

September 18, 2003


Target: CalPundit

So I'm reading CalPundit last night (this post, but what he wrote is actually of limited importance here). And I see the following:

The thesis make one sensible point. If the poor really knew what government cost them, they would have much less of it. The problem is folks like Kevin, who believe that taxes can be shifted to the rich wage earners, and that as a plain lie causing poverty and misery to the poor who believe him.


There is a level of progressive taxation that is fair, but its nothing like what Kevin foists on unsuspecting poor people.

This is a fact of life, as much as nuts like Kevin and you would like to play the redistribution game, it is always the middle and lower class that suffers from your collective ignorance about simple economics.


But I will tell you and Kevin this. One thing the right and left have in common is a incessant desire to take money from the poor and middle class and give it to government.


Kevin is one of the worse enemeies of the poor, filling them with vitriol about class conciousness and false hopes of a government bailout. He is as bad if not worse than that nutcase that runs the Free Republic, Jim Robinson.


Kevin has spent 40 years in driving up taxes in California and shifting the wealth of modest middle class Californians out of the state. Then he, along with his right wing compatriot, Jim Robinson bemoan and complain about increasing poverty in the state.

The grouped quotes appear together in a comment, and both comments are by a single rather hysterical person, who also rails about "class warfare." It's like someone thought medical marijuana was such a great idea they decided to try medical methamphetamines. I mean, no one is going to take seriously an attempt to equate Kevin Drum and "that nutcase that runs the Free Republic", or an attempt to show them operating in partnership. I don't even really understand the attempt. And "Kevin has spent 40 years in driving up taxes"???

I suspect the Republican Team Leader crew has decided that since Kevin is read by folks who are widely read, his credibility is a threat. And this is the guy assigned to discredit him in the eys of new readers because it'll be harder than hell to do so in the eyes of anyone who has been reading for a while.

Posted by P6 at September 18, 2003 07:16 AM | Trackback URL:

Unfortunately, the comments of Kevin's site have been overrun by right wing nuts, whom he is expected to tolerate on pain of being accused of running a "liberal echo chamber." It's a major problem on most of the big left-leaning blogs.

Posted by at September 18, 2003 08:53 AM 

Well, my philosophy on that is, "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke."

Still, how can they expect any credibility at all with crap like "Kevin has spent 40 years…"? How do you even think of writing something like that?

Posted by at September 18, 2003 10:12 AM 

Occasionally I get anti-Islam nuts, though fortunately usually only one at a time and likewise they accuse me of trying to censor them or hide the truth if I take exception to what they write. But these comments about Kevin Drum are really ludicrous.

Posted by at September 18, 2003 05:28 PM 

I saw your last nut, Sis, but it was after it blew over. Damn shame. I remember some absurdity about Christianty and Judaism having been thoroughly vetted by modern scientific thought.

Truth, I was tempted to set up an Islamic blogroll and go pick fights after that. But my hands are kinda full now...

Posted by at September 18, 2003 06:58 PM 

New reader here. I honestly don't recall just what labyrinthine link chain I followed to get here, but rest assured, I'll come back. The medical amphetamines comment is Bartlett's-worthy.

Posted by at September 19, 2003 07:15 PM 
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