Once upon a time, some truly troubled individual set up a domain called "lightskinpeople.com." It was to be a whole "Black Planet"-style web site for light skinned Black people. When I heard about it I said bad things, as was appropriate. I visited the site and saw a graphic that was a mock-up of the proposed Flash interface.
A couple of weeks ago someone googled "lightskinpeople" and found my bitch session about the whole concept. I followed the query back to Google and found "lightskinpeople.com" had changed. The picture now had people so light skinned you literally couldn't tell they weren't your standard Caucasian. And now it was a dating service, basically for white folks who wanted to cross the line surreptiously if the copy on the page was any indication.
Today someone searched via MSN for "lightskinpeople." They got nine results, including a dead link to www.lightskinpeople.com.
Hopefully that's the end of all that.
Posted by P6 at September 21, 2003 09:18 PM | Trackback URL: http://www.prometheus6.org/mt/mt-tb.cgi/1720Crazy stuff! They must have received some ugly e-mail and deservedly so. Will that nonsense ever go away? Will check out your take on it.