I needed to learn how to use the MTPaginate plugin. And I needed to post some documentation for a post I'm going to write up tomorrow.
The result of this combined need is listed in The Public Library. It's Chapter Three of The Shaping of Black America by Lerone Bennett, Jr.
The chapter considers how Africans, as opposed to Indians or Europeans, became enslaved in the USofA, the reasoning and the specific steps taken to make it legally…and more important, socially…acceptable. It's got documentable information you're very unlikely to have read before. Especially if you're white.
You should read this. Especially if you're white.
The idea of this is not to justify anything, it is to explain a few things. And even after you read it, you're unlikely to know just what it is I intend to explain (you're welcome to guess), so whatever your initial reaction, put it away and absorb the data dispassionately.
Especially if your initial reaction is guilt or anger.
Especially if your white.
Posted by P6 at September 24, 2003 05:00 PM | Trackback URL: http://www.prometheus6.org/mt/mt-tb.cgi/1745absolutely, positively devastating.
i await with anticipation your further writings on this.
Do I feel guilt? No. Do I feel anger? Not at the author or his book but at the injustice that people do to each other. Thanks for putting this up on the web.
Does the book discuss new states that were founded after the Revolution, especially Mississippi and Alabama? I am interested what the author has to say about them.