
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

September 25, 2003


Somebody in Nigeria finally did the right thing here

via All Facts and Opinions

Justice (This Time)!

Finally, sense comes to Nigeria -- Amina Lawal is free. The Shari'ah Court of Appeal yesterday overturned the sentence of death by stoning for the 31-year-old mother convicted of adultery in March 2002.

According to the court, the conviction was invalid because Lawal was already pregnant with her daughter at the time an Islamic court sentenced her to die.

Now, can we please be done with this stoning to death shit? Times change, people.

Posted by P6 at September 25, 2003 10:05 AM | Trackback URL:
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