
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

September 28, 2003


Last one tonight is, of course, on The Plame Affair

It's too late to hide my obvious pleasure at the prospect of a major scandal tarring the whole neocon establishment by association. But after reading stuff off and on all day, I feel almost sorry for a number of bloggers. I'm not talking about the LGF types, or Instapundit or Sullivan. It just seems there's a lot of folks that actually believe in their national leaders.

Ghod only knows why.

I'm not saying I won't comment on this mess in the future, but I'll be more dignified about it.

Anyway, we now know another of the reporters who knows the source of the leak.

Wilson said that in the week after the Novak column appeared, several journalists told him that the White House was trying to call attention to his wife, apparently hoping to undermine his credibility by implying he had received the Niger assignment only because his wife had suggested the mission and recommended him for the job.

"Each of the reporters quoted the White House official as using some variation on, 'The real story isn't the 16 words. The real story is Wilson and his wife,' " Wilson said the journalists told him. "The time frame led me to deduce that the White House was continuing to try to push this story."

Wilson identified one of the reporters as Andrea Mitchell of NBC News. Mitchell did not respond to requests for comment.

Posted by P6 at September 28, 2003 11:24 PM | Trackback URL:
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