
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

September 30, 2003


How to get insulted

This is dedicated to Jason, George, j. brotherlove and Aaron in particular, and to every "social hierarchically-challenged" person who recognizes the situation in general.

I get deeply dispassionate when writing about race. Not so about living it. T'ain't possible. My dispassion, however, allows me to avoid accusations of unwarranted anger. In fact, I find a non-angry Black man writing about racial realities confuses the hell out of toads.

I tweak my vocabulary when writing about race because people don't feel comfortable giving advice to people whose every third word they have to run through their online thesaurus.

I would like to serve notice, though, that anyone who presents me with an opportunity such as

Maybe I'm failing to see the issue here [. . .] I am a straight white male


I don't want to sound like Pollyanna here...but WHY do so many people look for hatred where none exists? I just don't understand. I'm a white girl, from the suburbs

or any variant of same will receive a response along the lines of
Your failure is a personal shortcoming, not at all due to being white


You do sound like Pollyanna. Sorry.

or some variant of same.

Fortunately, it hasn't come up yet. But if it weren't so long I'd rotate this post, the warning about assuming my reasoning is the same as someone elses, and the warning on the comments page.

Posted by P6 at September 30, 2003 05:00 AM | Trackback URL:

this website sucks!

Posted by at November 6, 2003 05:37 PM 

I bow before the sheer intellectual power of your analysis.

Posted by at November 6, 2003 05:44 PM 
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