
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

October 02, 2003


Just say "No"

Look, this is ridiculous. Saddam Hussein's government had said they didn't have any WMDs. They said they were destroyed in the first Gulf War, and that they couldn't give up what they didn't have. We've seen this government has exaggerated and lied about the whole affair. And now they want another $600 Million? Oh, it's just a drop in the bucket, what with all they've already spent, all they're asking for, all they're going to need…


I'm going to wind up learning Portuguese and movinig to Brazil, I just know it.

Officials Say Bush Seeks $600 Million to Hunt Iraq Arms By JAMES RISEN and JUDITH MILLER

WASHINGTON, Oct. 1 — The Bush administration is seeking more than $600 million from Congress to continue the hunt for conclusive evidence that Saddam Hussein's government had an illegal weapons program, officials said Wednesday.

The money, part of the White House's request for $87 billion in supplemental spending on Iraq and Afghanistan, comes on top of at least $300 million that has already been spent on the weapons search, the officials said.

The budget figures for the weapons search are included in the classified part of the administration's supplemental appropriations request, and have not been made public. The size of the request suggests the White House is determined to keep searching for unconventional weapons or evidence that they were being developed under Mr. Hussein. The search so far has turned up no solid evidence that Iraq had chemical, biological or nuclear weapons when the American invasion began in March, according to administration officials.

Counting the money already spent, the total price tag for the search will approach $1 billion.

Posted by P6 at October 2, 2003 10:32 AM | Trackback URL:
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