
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

October 09, 2003


Act II

Schwarzenegger Lays Foundation for a Transition to Power


LOS ANGELES, Oct. 8 -- Arnold Schwarzenegger moved quickly Wednesday to prepare for governing, naming a prominent Republican congressman to run his transition and strongly suggesting that he would call on President Bush to provide federal aid to California, now in Republican hands.

…He largely avoided specifics about his plans for dealing with the state's biggest problems, including its chronic budget deficit.

But he repeated promises made during the campaign not to raise taxes, to repeal the recent tripling of vehicle registration fees and to rescind a law signed last month by Gov. Gray Davis that allows undocumented workers to apply for driver's licenses.

Representative David Dreier, who along with former Gov. Pete Wilson was a chairman of the Schwarzenegger campaign, was named transition chief, with the task of assembling a staff of nearly 200 political appointees [P6: ]who would need to be in place before the end of next month.

…Mr. Schwarzenegger's election in a state long controlled by Democrats gave the president an important beachhead for 2004. And Mr. Schwarzenegger made clear Wednesday that he expected his state to benefit from his relationship with Mr. Bush. He noted that California did not get its fair share of federal aid, and of the president, he said, "He promised me that he will do everything possible to help California, so I'm looking forward to working with him and asking him for a lot, a lot of favors."

If it's more that he does for any other state, every other state should howl! ESPECIALLY New York State.

Posted by P6 at October 9, 2003 01:51 AM | Trackback URL:
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