
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

October 09, 2003


"It's Mine!" shouted Maisy. You stole it from me! Get out of my nest and get off of my tree!

(Anyone else remember that Dr. Seuss story? Please?)

Rumsfeld Dismisses Any Talk of a Reduced Role on Iraq Policy

WASHINGTON, Oct. 8 -- The White House and Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld moved quickly on Wednesday to contain an unusual public breach over Iraq policy, a day after he testily told European reporters that he was not consulted before a reorganization intended to give the White House more control over the occupation of Iraq.

Appearing at a NATO conference in Colorado Springs on Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Rumsfeld tried to dismiss any talk of his diminished role in Iraq policy, suggesting at one point that reporters should concentrate on "something more important," like the World Series prospects of his hometown Chicago Cubs.

That tone contrasted with his harsh language on Tuesday, when he said President Bush and had never discussed with him the creation of the Iraq Stabilization Group, set up by Condoleezza Rice, the national security adviser. He said that the first he heard of it was in a memorandum from Ms. Rice last week. In a seeming criticism of the White House he suggested that the National Security Council was finally focusing on doing what it should have been doing all along -- coordinating the work of the many government agencies dealing with Iraq.

He told reporters on Tuesday, "It's not quite clear to me why" Ms. Rice sent him a memorandum on the subject. When he was pressed on the question by a German broadcast reporter, he retorted: "I said I don't know. Isn't that clear? You don't understand English?"

Posted by P6 at October 9, 2003 01:56 AM | Trackback URL:

What do you expect? Rumsfeld has had his ego trounced by this. He's going to be a little envious, especially because a woman took his place. Rumsfeld is a neo-con. He doesn't like those 'second class citizens' taking his place. Besides, I suspect Condolezza was supposed to be a 'token' woman in this administration. What was she thinking?

Posted by at October 9, 2003 09:20 AM 

You think his knickers are in a knot now? The article suggests that State feels Ms. Rice will work better with Mr. Powell than Rummy.

Might just be folks thinking Nee-Grows just likes each other better again. Might be genuine insight. If it happens, though, Rummy may flame out entirely.

Posted by at October 9, 2003 12:20 PM 

I think I know that Dr. Seuss story -- Horten Hatches an Egg. About the Elephant who ends up sitting on an egg while the Momma bird is out having a ball.

Posted by at October 9, 2003 01:32 PM 

Thank you Tawanna. Now I don't have to feel so geriatric.

Posted by at October 9, 2003 02:10 PM 
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