
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

October 09, 2003


Most concise summary of The Plame Affair I've seen

I saw a link to P6 to Riba Rambles during one of my periodic checks of Technorati and as is my wont I checked out the blog to see what inspired such foolishness on her part. As it turns out it's just her pre BloggerCon which she will be editing (will I make the cut?). But in searching for the link I found this quote from Cup O' Joe:

Let's see: the independent counsel was created because of Republican abuse of power, it was disbanded because the Republicans abused it when they had the chance to use it themselves, and it is being resurrected because Republicans are once more abusing power. Does anyone see a pattern here

Posted by P6 at October 9, 2003 08:14 AM | Trackback URL:
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