
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

November 02, 2003


The Chris Matthews Show

The category should be "NOT Seen online."

NBC runs The Chris Matthews Show on Sundays around these parts. And they…in general…post transcripts on the web.

In general.

I've been waiting for the October 18-19 transcript to be posted. You see, at the very end of the show Matthews asks his guests to tell him something he doesn't know. One of his guests that week, and unfortunately I don't remember her name because I wasn't really watching the whole show, said she had beetold by her contacts in the White House that they hoped the press doesn't simply accept whatever the Bush regime comes up with as a result of the Valarie Plame outing scandal. I've been checking for that transcript every day ever since.

Today I see they posted the transcript for October 25-26. They skipped the transcript I'm interested in altogether.

It's things like this that make me interested in TiVo and the like.

Posted by P6 at November 2, 2003 05:58 AM | Trackback URL:
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