
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

November 02, 2003


Why the good isn't reported

No one knows what it is.

If the News Turns Bad, the Messenger Takes a Hit

…One difference between Vietnam and Iraq is that here, in general, commanders in the field talk to reporters openly, candidly and on the record � a product, presumably, of the practice of embedding reporters with the troops early on.

But today in Baghdad, where the Coalition Provisional Authority can better control access to information, the atmosphere has become very different. It is almost impossible for a journalist to talk to any official from the authority without getting the approval of a public information officer.

Recently, when an army major and the head of operations of an American agency here sought to take a reporter for coffee at the Rashid Hotel, where senior American personnel live and eat, a sentry told them that no reporter could enter the hotel without an escort from the press office.

The American officials were more astonished than the reporter.

Posted by P6 at November 2, 2003 08:15 AM | Trackback URL:
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