
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

November 03, 2003


"REVERSE RAC…oh, nevermind…"

Overall, Race No Factor for Low-Scoring UC Applicants
By Rebecca Trounson, Stuart Silverstein and Doug Smith
Times Staff Writers

November 3, 2003

Latinos with low SAT scores are admitted to the University of California at rates only slightly higher than whites and Asians, while blacks who score poorly are significantly less likely to get in, according to a Times analysis.

All told, the groups underrepresented on UC campuses � African Americans, Latinos and Native Americans � are admitted with below-average SAT scores at the same rates as whites and Asians.

The analysis of freshman applicants to UC over the last two years offers a complex portrait of admissions at the public university, the state's most prestigious system of higher education.

The university's admissions practices have come under scrutiny in recent weeks amid a growing debate over the disclosure that hundreds of students were admitted to UC Berkeley last year with scores of 1000 or below on the SAT.

Posted by P6 at November 3, 2003 10:58 AM | Trackback URL:
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