
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

November 04, 2003


More proof I need to consider moving

Joah Marshall at Talking Points Memo

The week before last I wrote a post questioning the wisdom of something President Bush said when he addressed the Australian parliament.

"We," said the president, "see a China that is stable and prosperous, a nation that respects the peace of its neighbors and works to secure the freedom of its own people."

The statement and its rather odd implication were reported around the world. But then a few days later I got an email from a reader who had followed the link I'd provided to the White House's transcript of the speech and asked if maybe I'd gotten it wrong.

A few days ago (10/23), you quoted Bush as speaking to the Australian Parliament and saying that he "sees" a China that is free, etc. At the time, I didn't go back to the White House press release, but if you look at it now you will see that it says he "seeks" a free China. Did you misread it, or have they been massaging the record after the fact? I don't know how to go about looking for a cached version of the page, but maybe it's worth pursuing.

Well, I'm not sure I'd know how to go about getting the cached version either. But luckily that's not necessary, since I made a PDF version of the original White House transcript as it appeared on the day in question. (Call me suspicious.) You can see it right here. If you scroll down to the big, clumsily-drawn red circle you'll see that the word was 'see' not 'seek'. Then compare it to the current version now at the White House website.

Atrios links to an Australian site that has the transcript and a RealAudio file of the speech itself…which I have not listened to…

Posted by P6 at November 4, 2003 09:07 AM | Trackback URL:

this fits in with a post an made to my blog

[P6: url corrected]

Posted by at November 4, 2003 10:14 AM 

I guess there could be (somewhat) legitimate reasons (like Bush actually read it wrong... imagine that!?) for the change but this seems pretty shady. Seems like there's a theme going with the 'Bush men' with regards to information management. The other day I saw something about how they modified the robots.txt file to prevent search engines from caching data on . Big bro is in full effect!

Posted by at November 4, 2003 10:41 AM 
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