Jay Allen has set up a new home for MT-Blacklist. There's an RSS feed for plugin change announcements as well as the general weblog discussions. And version 1.61beta is up with some pretty significant changes.
LATER: I added the latest blacklist changes RSS feed to the ol' aggregator and was horrified to see titles like sex-lover.org. Turns out I need the weblog feed instead. For some reason I thought blacklist changes was for updates to the plugin rather than the blacklist itself.
Can you start including a translation for normal people?
Ebonics too.
Aight. But I just told ya girl I'm not deep into under-35 mode today. Plus I ain't got but so much experience being normal.
Well...'scuse me for being too young and fine! How old are you anyway, because I had you pictured late twenties or very early thirties?
I believe Earl is in his mid-forties. I'm 30 myself and glad to know that I'm still young ;-)
Damn, there go any chance at lyin'…
Yea, I am old, ancient of days. Worlds have birthed nations before my dispassionate gaze, armies rise and fall like dust clouds in my wake.
I am so old, I started over again 46 years ago.
When you start talking about the under-35 crowd as being young, you've pretty much given away any chance you've got of lying about your age ;-)
The weblog RSS feed will get you announcements about future plugin versions, as you indicated.
The Blacklist changes feed just helps you stay up-to-date with the latest spam movements...