Start with Cobb, like I often do. He said something in commenting about Dr. Dean that is just too true:
As frustrated as I get with my boy Phelps, I got him in this category. It's why I don't mind getting frustrated with him.
Cobb also says something that's almost true:
I say "almost" because he USED TO want it himself. You don't get some of the insights he's shown otherwise. And there's some shitheads in search of power with bulletproof souls and a willingness to be a provocateur that look like race men until you really look (you should not volunteer to identify any for me, because not everyone in search of power is a shithead and because I've noticed anyone who WANTS to identify them usually is one themselves).
Funny thing is, I am a Race Man, but since I've called myself The Race Guy a couple of times recently, folks tell me they don't think of me as such. I think the definition of Race Man in the general view includes "bearer of bad news," or "he who brings the conflict to the fore," and I'm really not that
Posted by P6 at November 8, 2003 11:55 AM | Trackback URL: