
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

November 18, 2003


I like that attitude

Glenn at Hi. I'm Black!:

Look to my sidebar and you will see the current page count of the screenplay I'm writing. As of right now it stands at 19 pages. A fantastic feat considering that I've doubled my output of my last screenplay attempt in a fraction of the time (3 hours vs. 3 weeks). Although I've shared this with my girlfriend many times since I've decided to get into screenwriting I'm not sure that anyone other than me truly knows how much it means for me to finally have some direction in life. A reason to wake up in the morning and say, "I'm a screenwriter" and feel good and not have to say, "I'm a 23 year old slug working to pay the bills because I have no idea what I want to do in life.

It goes against my logical nature to assume that I'll ever be anything more than just a screenwriting hack. Shit, the odds say I have a better chance of drowning, dying in a car accident or killing myself than successfully selling my script. But I say fuck the odds. Why? Because the odds don't apply to me. The odds apply to normal people. The odds do not apply to those with great talent and conversely don't apply to those with zero talent.

I am not normal. And so now I wonder 5 years from now will I look back on these times with regret? Dread? Happiness?

Go, dawg. Go.

This is the attitude to have. "I am already what I've chosen to be. I'm just working out the details at this point."

Because you ARE what's you've chosen to be. Not what you SAY you are, but what your actions show you've chosen.

Posted by P6 at November 18, 2003 07:47 AM | Trackback URL:
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