
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

November 22, 2003


A confession

Dana Blankenhorn at Moore's Lore:

I'll admit it. For a long time I wanted to work for TechCentral Station. But it seemed that I could never find an in, while the writers they did publish all seemed, well, inferior.

Now I know why. The whole thing was a scam. This was not a publication, and it was not a think tank. It was a bunch of right-wing hacks for hire to anyone who would pay. They would provide cover for whatever lies the client wanted to spout, for a fee, and provide full deniability.

Posted by P6 at November 22, 2003 10:47 AM | Trackback URL:

"They would provide cover for whatever lies the client wanted to spout, for a fee, and provide full deniability."

Guilt by association because neither he nor anyone else has provided evidence of articles which provided 'whatever lies the client wanted to spout, for a fee...'

Glad to know I can now say that all anti-war protestors were really Communist or Communist tools since ANSWER organized them. Politics is so much easier in a reason-free environment. :)

Posted by at November 22, 2003 03:39 PM 
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