
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

December 01, 2003


Why I took time off other folks' blogs

Well, I had some good news and felt like celebrating. And I couldn't do that when people keep finding all this kind of crap I'm responsible for:

TIME Magazine

A U.S. military official tells Time that at least 140 detainees--"the easiest 20%"--are scheduled for release. The processing of these men has sped up since the Supreme Court announced it would take the case, said the source, who believes the military is "waiting for a politically propitious time to release them." U.S. officials concluded that some detainees were there because they had been kidnapped by Afghan warlords and sold for the bounty the U.S. was offering for al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters. "Many would not have been detained under the normal rules of engagement," the source concedes. "We're dealing with some very, very dangerous people, but the pendulum is swinging too far in the wrong direction."

Okay, I voted against the Shrub so I can claim innocence.

But every last damn one of you that vote for this…person, knowing this crap goes on, is an accomplice.

And I still get to be angry and disgusted.

Posted by P6 at December 1, 2003 09:03 PM | Trackback URL:

Yeah, me too.

Posted by at December 2, 2003 07:34 PM 
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