
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

December 16, 2003


International blogging

Part 1: If you comment here and leave a web site or blog address, sooner or later I'll check out the page. Which is a blunt introduction to Sister Scorpion. Now, I may or may not bring you to the front of the room like this; the major reason I bring Sister Scorpion forward is her comment on my last Saddam Hussein post, and I quote:

Hoping for the Iraqis to try him here...

…which I take to mean she's an Iraqi.

From what I saw of her page she doesn't seen like a war–blogger, but it strikes me folks could get better info from her than me about the Middle East.

Part 2: When I posted those interesting referrals, I spotted one that I had to follow up. It's a German Magazine titled "Telepolis, The Magazine of Net Culture" which I know because English and German have the same linguistic roots. I couldn't make head nor tale of the article as a whole, until I had Google translate it.

I'm just glad people know computer translations aren't the best.

Anyway, It was an article on poverty in the USofA, and they linked to the Census Bureau, Forbes, The National Review, the Heritage Foundation, The Pew Research Center…and me.

How the hell they found me, I can't tell you. But that's some rarified atmosphere to find myself in.

Posted by P6 at December 16, 2003 10:03 PM | Trackback URL:

I thought she lived in Colorado :\

Posted by at December 17, 2003 08:13 AM 

You may be right, and I hope to be corrected if so.

Posted by at December 17, 2003 11:30 AM 

She had mentioned it in an email communication with me. I'm not sure what she meant when she wrote that about Saddam, though.

Posted by at December 17, 2003 03:44 PM 

woops thanks Muh for pointing this out to me. No no not Iraqi, aside by proxy (husband and our subsequent offspring). Perhaps I've imbued so much from living in a large Iraqi ex pat community the last 7 years that I've blurred the line between me and them. If so, I'm happy about it. Sorry for the confusion, I'm american Muslim, euro and native ancestry, married to a south Iraqi. Live in Denver, but used to live in the huge megopolis of Iraqi refugees, Arab and Kurd, in Nashville Tennessee...

Posted by at December 18, 2003 03:32 AM 

woops, bleh, I cant find my comment, but I'm sure I meant he shoudl be tried in Iraq, by those who suffered from him the most. Let in testimonies of Kuwaitis and Iranians as well, who also suffered greatly

Posted by at December 18, 2003 03:34 AM 

DOn't sweat it SisterS. The post will scroll off the front age tomorrow. And you're still a better source for info on the Middle East than I, just like I defer to Al-M on questions about Al-Islam.

Posted by at December 18, 2003 09:21 AM 

Getting back to the topic of the original comment, wherever it may be, I distinguish between the physical location of the trial and the authority running it. A trial in Iraq would probably be run by the U.S. provisional government or by Iraqi sock puppets like Chalabi. And I don't really have any confidence anymore that such a trial would be fair. I think that the trial should be in an international court. It might be physically located in Iraq though.

Posted by at December 18, 2003 09:03 PM 

Most likely, and since saddam has info which would embarass TPTB in the bush admin (ie the continuation of the reagan admin), they wont even let him speak it out. They'd kill him and say he had a stroke first. Let's watch and see what develops

PS- Chalabi makes my stomach turn. I hope HE has a stroke!

Posted by at December 19, 2003 03:22 AM 

The Black Commentator has a great article on this topic, which I blogged about to my Clipboard blog, where I post interesting articles.

Posted by at December 19, 2003 05:26 PM 
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