
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

December 29, 2003


Sticking a toe back in the water

So, last week or so I haven't been talking about anyone else's blog. Yesterday I started dropping by some of the old haunts again and of course I find some interesting stuff here and there.

Today I decided to look at web stats and such. I visited the TTLB Ecosystem for the first time in two–three weeks. Shockingly, I'm still a large primate. Next was Technorati, where I found a number of blogs that are new to me have blogrolled P6.

American Black: Check out the blogroll. He's got a big jump on a project I had in mind. I think that's the best collection of links to Black journalists I've seen yet. Right difficult to get a grip on all the Black editorial bloggers, but Clicks has a grip on that too.

TVPoison at mind riot! dropped me some complimentary email and has me as guest blogger of the month. Month's about over, but at least I noticed in time to feel flattered for a couple of days.

Susan at laser_eraser is new enough to blogging not to be obsessed by it. Yet.

debitage makes me realize how long it had been since I checked Technorati. Stentor Danielson HAS been blogging for a while and I'm not sure how long he's had me blogrolled. Basically political but not about any fixed subject. And I wasn't going to do this, but I must: there's a reference on the site to "feminist geography," and I'd really like to know what that is.

Then there's Editor's Office. The Editrix has been blogging for what looks like two months, and I share the blogroll with Instapundit, Davids Medienkritik, Little Green Footballs, Merde in France, Anti–Idiotarian Rottweiler, Biased BBC, Cum Grano Salis, IsraPundit. Bill Spricht, HonestReportingBlog, Cox&Forkum, NRO's Blog 'The Corner,' David Yeagley, Daniel Pipes, Richard Poe, David Horowitz, angry left, Steven Plaut, Iconoclast's Daily Blog, EGO, FactsOfIsrael, USS Clueless, Judicious Asininity, Daryl Cagle's Web Log, I M A O, EYE ON THE LEFT, ALLAH IS IN THE HOUSE, EuroPundits, and Four Right Wing Wackos. I honestly don't know what to make of that.

Posted by P6 at December 29, 2003 11:36 AM | Trackback URL:

I've seen American Black's links before.

Posted by at December 30, 2003 09:40 AM 


That's why I have this blog, so I can be wrong in public like everyone else.

My only defense is, your links aren't on your front page or individual archives.

Posted by at December 30, 2003 09:57 AM 

Now that you mention it, I should probably do that.

Posted by at December 30, 2003 05:01 PM 
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