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Submitted by EG on April 17, 2005 - 9:40pm.

I used to listen to C-SPAN radio which plays Make the Press, ABC's This Week, Fox's Sunday Show, CNN Late Edition, and Face the Nation, all without commercials. When these bozos run from one program to the next, you notice the questions and the responses are all the same. Most of the hosts have little knowlege of the topic and allow the guests to dodge un-scripted questions. It became apparent I wasted my time listening to all of them since the topics covered were nearly identical (for example, this weeks's theme: DeLay and the nuclear option). The guests appear, pre-programmed to respond with talking points. The rare time someone attempts to clarify a talking point, 'ahs' and 'uhs' get captured in the transcripts.

These programs clearly demonstrate how useless the press has become in covering an issue and getting any useful information from officials and leaders.


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