Every politician should have his pay docked for the time wasted on this

by Prometheus 6
June 23, 2005 - 7:47am.
on Culture wars

House Backs Ban on Flag Burning

WASHINGTON, June 22 - The House of Representatives passed a resolution on Wednesday proposing a constitutional amendment that would enable Congress to prohibit the destruction or debasement of the flag without violating free speech rights.

The vote was 286 to 130, more than the two-thirds of the members present and voting that is required to approve a proposed amendment.

The House has passed such resolutions many times in the 16 years since the Supreme Court ruled in 1989 that the First Amendment protected flag burning, but the proposals have never passed the Senate. This year, though, the conservative tilt of the Senate has given the proposal an unusually strong chance of success. The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to approve the resolution shortly after the Fourth of July holiday. All 50 states have already passed resolutions calling for prohibitions on debasement of the flag.

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Submitted by Ourstorian on June 23, 2005 - 7:51pm.

If the bill passes I'm going to design a roll of toilet tissue with each sheet containing an American flag. I'll call it: Stars & Stripes Butt Wipes, and market it as the new new thing for free speech advocates with discriminating taste. It will be non-toxic and hypo-allergenic, of course, because we all know what kind of damage ol' glory can do to a person's ass.

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