Yet more things to consider

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 26, 2005 - 12:30pm.
on |
Okay, this looks like a good transition point.
Submitted by cnulan on June 26, 2005 - 5:00pm.

I find it odd and somewhat disconcerting to find you so strenuoulsy arguing against the possibilities of freedom and will.

You ain't seen nothin yet brah...,

If in a civilization growing old does not attract respect, it means that in that civilization life as such means nothing. If life is only interesting when I have physical possibilities, then life has no intrinsic value. This too is a sign of a declining civilization. It's a sign that in people, and in the culture as a whole, an authentic search is not there and people have nothing real in which to place their faith and hope. One feels in such older people that, as their automatism is less and less under their control, there's nothing behind it. When you feel there is something behind it you can go on feeling respect even if the outward automatism, even the mind, is not in good order.

The Civil Rights struggle, at its deepest and most profound levels,was never just about acquiring material creature comforts. It was for many of us about transforming and changing America into a nation and society where the buying and selling of products, labor etc. weren't the highest callings.

Stop polishing the alter PT.
Those lambs were sacrificed for less than zero.
The struggle failed, Murka proved its wicked mettle.
The alchemical reagent of change is on lock down.
You gents got no suggestions.
What now?

My kingdom for a single interesting policy proposal....,

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Submitted by cnulan on June 26, 2005 - 1:58pm.

Like I said, for less than zero..., cause you know good and goddamn well that that white man's ice is colder'n'yourn...,

Cobb opened the lid on the real can of worms underscoring the indisputable power of Murkan consensus reality manufacturing..., and its awesome power to sap black will and possess black minds - hegemonically.

Submitted by ptcruiser on June 26, 2005 - 2:05pm.

"Stop polishing the alter PT.
Those lambs were sacrificed for less than zero.
The struggle failed, Murka proved its wicked mettle.
The alchemical reagent of change is on lock down.
You gents got no suggestions.
What now?"

You are way off-base, CN. I don't worship at or polish altars. I have a genetic predispostion against rituals of any type. The people who died and sacrificed during the Civil Rights Movement were not lambs and to characterize them as such dishonors their deaths and losses and ennobles their persecutors. This country was changed profoundly as a result of the Civil Rights Movement and, in some valuable ways, so were parts of the world because the Movement served as a catalyst for a world wide rebellion of the young against the strictures and agencies of the past.

Progressive political change is always a process of two steps forward, one step backwards. It never has been and never will be an upward movement of slowly accelerating change as if the engine of history and human events were under the control of an automatic transmission. There will always be periods of progress and then, unfortunately, periods of decline or stasis.

Your request for a single interesting policy proposal is akin to the Republicans demand for the Democrats to present an alternative program to fix an allegedly broken Social Security program. You have yet to demonstrate either the feasibility or efficacy of your own proposal, which is, to be brief, a plan to place black people closer to the Murkanized feeding trough by having them serve in a mercenary army. I suspect that you are confusing controversial with interesting.

I'll trade you my kingdom for a song.

Submitted by ptcruiser on June 26, 2005 - 2:40pm.

I haven't read Cobb's piece as yet but in any case you are still offering contingent statements about the world as if they were fixed, immutable glacial realities. Asserting that "Murkan consensus reality manufacturing" has the potential to "sap black will and possess black minds" is not quite the same thing as declaring that it has in fact sapped and laid black will and black minds to waste. I have never viewed Murkan culture and society as having the degree of power over black people that you seem to take as a given.

I read Cobb's piece before posting this message. I've shopped at Nordstrom's for many years. Did I miss something? And I've known for longer than that why cereal boxes are the size they are. Did I miss something there? What is is that you were trying to tell me?

Submitted by cnulan on June 26, 2005 - 2:42pm.

Doubtless We shall overcome someday is the lilting refrain.


Don't get me wrong PT, I got nothing but love for you and P6 - but I'm calling you brothers out on the spaces I percieve lurking in your ideological foundations. Don't grouse about the message - just admit the fact that we got overcome. Straight up simple and plain, tricknologically jacked by John Wayne.

But that's just a round, it's not the game. Time to get up, dust off, and re-engage, but this time with a different analysis of the opposition and an accelerated and improved technique. Which is why my own brand of speculative inquiry tends toward a different angle of engagement. While I don't aim to say things just to be controversial PT, I have been known to incorporate atemi into my rhetorical repertoire in an effort to push a partner's envelope.

We are after all on the same side and engaged in mutual and reciprocal developmental exercises, aren't we?

Submitted by ptcruiser on June 26, 2005 - 2:58pm.

"We pay for a Nordstrom shirt because the people at Nordstrom dress richly"

I plucked this jewel of consumer thinking from Cobb's site. I don't think he has the slightest inkling of why people like myself buy our clothes at Nordstrom's. Keeping up with the Joneses may be why large numbers of people flock to Nordstrom's but a large number of us shop there because of the quality of the goods and the service we may elect to receive after our purchases.

Submitted by ptcruiser on June 26, 2005 - 3:02pm.

No, we, or at least some of us didn't get overcomed. Do you recall that line in Gwaltney's book "Drylongoso" where I believe the old black man says that "Toobob will always be toobob."

Submitted by cnulan on June 26, 2005 - 3:13pm.

Cobb was writing about the masters of sensation transference...., vs the masters of muscle,

Brother Bowen deserves to be read a LOT more closely than that.., and in the context of this thread flipping you from cooing about how buttery Nordstrom's is to how Toobobish you thinks you is - certainly underscores that fact.., dopamine hegemony got black folks by the short and curlys jes like errbody else.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 26, 2005 - 3:43pm.

Ignore what CN is proposing here.

If you follow the firstlink in his comment above, you'll see he made this statement:

Here were the key takeaways;

1. Black scientists and technologists must assume the mantle of cultural leadership across the diaspora - with full support from black business, political, and celebrity cohorts.

2. We must operate with complete autonomy and accept no editorial or creative interference - which means we have to be completely self-sufficient.

3. In precisely the same unfettered way we repurposed two turntables and a microphone - and in the process introduced open source culture into the noosphere - we must repurpose vastnesses of infrastructure and our dependence on the same.

4. Black youth culture is the most powerful and influential force in world-wide popular culture - it is our privilege and duty to aid, abet, and guide that divine wind into its full modal potential as the fountainhead of an alternative social matrix of substantive competitive cooperation.

His actual point seems to be that acting within a paradigm draws you further and further into that paradigm.

Me, I have the feeling the U.S.ofA. is going to functionally disaggregate...functionally the national citizen (thank you, Lester) will cease to be. One major repercussion of this will be that your rights will be the sum of the rights of all your in-groups, as those in-groups are perceived in the particular (probably) state (though it may seriously be more "fine grained"than that).

If Black folks come to see they should address the issues that affect us as an effective constituency, we need a replacement for the NAACP...more accurately, we need an organization that facilitates  communication to, for and among the Black constiituencies. The NAACP could build that organization on its historical reputation. I'm curious to see if their new prez comes up with something more relevant that the lack of negroes on Friends.

Submitted by cnulan on June 26, 2005 - 3:43pm.

ok, that was wrong PT.

I take back the toobobishness..., please forgive my exuberance.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 26, 2005 - 3:46pm.

dopamine hegemony got black folks by the short and curlys jes like errbody else.

Well, yeah. 

Submitted by cnulan on June 26, 2005 - 3:50pm.

His actual point seems to be that acting within a paradigm draws you further and further into that paradigm.

To the point where your paradigm is indistinguishable from the one by which you are subsumed..,

way of life = polity

Submitted by cnulan on June 26, 2005 - 4:03pm.

dopamine hegemony got black folks by the short and curlys jes like errbody else.

Well, yeah.

In no small part that's what all this banging on was about.

Submitted by ptcruiser on June 26, 2005 - 4:19pm.

"His actual point seems to be that acting within a paradigm draws you further and further into that paradigm."

That is a strong possibility but it is also entirely possible that you could create a measure of disequilibrium within the paradigm and thus act to overthrow it or create a new paradigm. In fact, it could be persuasively argued that only those who have fully assimilated and accepted the tenets or world view of the reigning paradigm would have the best chance of toppling it. For most folks the matrix does not exist as anything separate and apart from their lives. You have to at least be able to see the matrix before you can even begin to contemplate its demise.

As for the National Association for the Advancement of Certain People aka National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, if the new prez thinks that its mission should be to foster communication among black constituencies then that would represent an important turning point in the organization's history and development. Who knows, I might renew my membership just as a means to encourage the process.

Submitted by ptcruiser on June 26, 2005 - 4:23pm.

"Toobob will always be toobob."

The old man was saying that white folks will always be white folks.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 26, 2005 - 5:12pm.

That is a strong possibility but it is also entirely possible that you could create a measure of disequilibrium within the paradigm and thus act to overthrow it or create a new paradigm.

...which would make you "in it but not of it."

As for the National Association for the Advancement of Certain People aka National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, if the new prez thinks that its mission should be to foster communication among black constituencies then that would represent an important turning point in the organization's history and development.

It certainly would. It would be a turning point in our national history as well.


Submitted by cnulan on June 26, 2005 - 5:31pm.

As for the National Association for the Advancement of Certain People aka National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, if the new prez thinks that its mission should be to foster communication among black constituencies then that would represent an important turning point in the organization's history and development.'s a nice notion, but the NAACP is an outmoded, top-down type organization ill-suited to the cellular structure of local pockets of anti-hegemonic insurgency requisite to foment stable, *in it, but not of it* ness.

Not only, but there are no consequential technologists in this organization, up-to-and-including the new sales leadership culture prez..., at a grass roots level, it's about as luddite as it's humanly possible to be.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 26, 2005 - 6:32pm.

The NAACP could use its reputation to do the job. If it did so, it wouldn't be the NAACP anymore. It would be some new organization that received ownership of all the trademarks.

If I were to (ahem) prejudge Mr. Gordon, I would not expect it. I expect a corporate manager's approach to issues and that's the exact approach by which the participants in the neocon coup convinced themselves their plan for conquering Iraq would work.


Submitted by ptcruiser on June 26, 2005 - 7:37pm.

I agree. I have no faith in the ability of the NAACP at the national or local level to either articulate or take the lead in fomenting any political insurgency. On the other hand, the folks who join and run the NAACP are people who are, by and large, extremely risk adverse. After civil rights their desire for change quickly runs downhill. They want a seat at the table; they are not going to look to closely at what is being served to them as long as they have a seat.

Submitted by ptcruiser on June 26, 2005 - 7:48pm.

"If I were to (ahem) prejudge Mr. Gordon, I would not expect it. I expect a corporate manager's approach to issues and that's the exact approach by which the participants in the neocon coup convinced themselves their plan for conquering Iraq would work."

Amen. Mr. Gordon's role is to repair the so-called breach and open a door to the Republicans. This is all part of the so-called pragmatic approach that became a reignant process within the NAACP and other civil rights organizations when they essentially abandoned the notion of grassroots organizing. The NAACP, of course, never adopted or employed the techniques of community organizing although its retelling of its role during the Civil Rights Movement would lead you to believe otherwise. And I not reassured by its efforts to make alliances with various hip-hop moguls and artists.

Submitted by cnulan on June 26, 2005 - 8:00pm.

As I look across the aching expanse of backwardness that is the virtual organization I see a fossilized responsible negro command structure.

This damage is irrepairable...,

Submitted by cnulan on June 26, 2005 - 8:17pm.

She covered the 1954 Florida murder trial of Ruby McCollum with journalist/author and civil rights advocate William Bradford Huie. Her detachment from the wider civil rights movement struggle was demonstrated by Hurston's opposition to the Supreme Court ruling in the Brown v Board of Education case (1954), arguing in a letter to the Orlando Sentinel that desegregation was predicated on black inferiority. The letter caused a furore and proved to be Hurston's last public intervention.

Poor Zora must be spinning in her grave...,

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 26, 2005 - 9:27pm.

On the other hand, the folks who join and run the NAACP are people who are, by and large, extremely risk adverse.

Then they'd be best served by an organization that reduces the increased risks caused by racism. At minimum, one that enhances their ability to deal with/withstand them. And such an organization would need them, too.

Submitted by ptcruiser on June 26, 2005 - 9:55pm.

Re: Brown v. Board of Education

"Yellow cat, black cat, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat."

Deng Xiaoping

The practice of legally sanctioned racial segregation was so deeply woven into the fabric of American society that whatever arguments that had to be marshalled in order to drive a stake in the heart of that beast was a good argument. The points that Zora Neale and Clarence Thomas have raised regarding their objections to the Brown decision pale in comparison to the need to throw over "Jim Crow."

Should Thurgood Marshall et al. have argued that legally enforced racial segregation caused no harm to Negroes? Those among us who confess a hankering for that dead order of things are engaging in romantic delusionism. To claim that the arguments presented to support ending racially based school segregation were flawed (Yes, they were to some extent but all legal arguments are flawed to a degree.) is to imply that the arguments made in favor of racially segregated education were less flawed and more compelling. What exactly would Hurston and Thomas have preferred Marshall et al. to argue?

Submitted by cnulan on June 27, 2005 - 2:53pm.

The points that Zora Neale and Clarence Thomas have raised regarding their objections to the Brown decision pale in comparison to the need to throw over "Jim Crow."

What organic competencies have flourished among blacks since the throwing over of Jim Crow?

What organic competencies have greatly diminished among blacks since the throwing over of Jim Crow?

Other than Nordstrom's servitons showing you dey teef, what data do you have to support your contention that the segregated U.S. was in any way qualitatively more harmful to blacks than the contemporary prison industrial, apartheid social-custom U.S.?

All I want to know is what qualitative or quantitative measure you use to say things are better now for the largest % of black folks than they were in 1957? I'm not arguing for a return to Jim Crow, mind you, but please tell me exactly why black folks shouldn't make paramount efforts to segregate themselves in every possible manner from Murkaness?

btw - the afrofuturist context for this thought is declining energy, shrinking economy, pending global warfare..., and all that these privations entail for the climate of consciousness in Murka.

Submitted by ptcruiser on June 27, 2005 - 3:35pm.

"Other than Nordstrom's servitons showing you dey teef, what data do you have to support your contention that the segregated U.S. was in any way qualitatively more harmful to blacks than the contemporary prison industrial, apartheid social-custom U.S.?"

What data do you have to support your belief that the prison industrial system is currently more harmful to the majority of black Americans than the system of Jim Crow laws and practices that were in place prior to 1965? There is a vast gulf between what you believe black people should do with regard to segregating themselves from Murkaness and what it is that they actually do. Has this fact escaped your attention and considerable intellectual powers or do you believe that you have some right to compel them to act differently?

The ball is still in Zora Neale's and Justice Thomas's court. If they were dissatisfied with the Court's reasoning and the oral and written arguments that were presented in favor of the position that the Court eventually adopted as its own, then what arguments do you think they should have presented in support of racially segregated school systems.

You are arguing for a return to Jim Crow despite your protests to the contrary. What do you believe was the possible alternative if the Court had sided with the defendants in Brown v Board of Education? Would Zora Neale have been happy because it would have allowed her to remain unchallenged as part of DuBois's Talented Tenth sucking up foundation dollars for anthropology studies of the po'colored people. Did she suspect that the end of legally sanctioned racial segregation would eventually result in some hybridization of the folk and the tales that she collected for her mentors at Columbia University?

Submitted by cnulan on June 27, 2005 - 4:57pm.

What data do you have to support your belief that the prison industrial system is currently more harmful to the majority of black Americans than the system of Jim Crow laws and practices that were in place prior to 1965?

Without recourse to google, the following are top of mind indices which can be statistically fleshed out with some thought to disparate pernicious impact;

Black-on-black violence and criminality
Global propagandization featuring black males as criminally inclined
Thug acculturation (mating preferences of young black women)
70% out-of-wedlock birthrates
Permanent denial of voting and gun ownership privileges to a substantial number of drug-crime felons.

The last thing in the world - of interest to me - is compelling anyone to do differently than they are mechanically disposed to do. The Murkan herd and its responsible negro proles will thin itself quite nicely without any intervention on my part. Suffice it to say, my interest and efforts are directed towards maximizing black autonomy.

Thomas is beneath my consideration, as I have personal familiarity with his views, behaviours, and the circumstances of his elevation. That fool truly does believe white ice is colder and he truly has forgotten where he came from. I have no interest in speculating on alternative historical possibilities, other than to remark that your ad hominem against Zora is uninformed, and for one as historically well informed as you often seem to be, that is a significant blindspot. Zora is misunderstood for exactly the same reason George Schuyler was misunderstood.

Zora understood the limitations of Murkaness FAR better than you seem to, and decades earlier than the integrationist crowd which also fundamentally misread Murkaness did. She represented a singularly rich thread of cultural possibility - active resistance to dopamine hegemony - which had it been successful - may well have led to alternate historical pathways through Murkaness. Zora's niggerati movement was eclipsed by the Great Depression and WWII and so is now moot. It was the attempt by artists and literati to lead by example. That time is clearly past. Now is the time for;

1. Black scientists and technologists must assume the mantle of cultural leadership across the diaspora - with full support from black business, political, and celebrity cohorts.

2. We must operate with complete autonomy and accept no editorial or creative interference - which means we have to be completely self-sufficient.

3. In precisely the same unfettered way we repurposed two turntables and a microphone - and in the process introduced open source culture into the noosphere - we must repurpose vastnesses of infrastructure and our dependence on the same.

4. Black youth culture is the most powerful and influential force in world-wide popular culture - it is our privilege and duty to aid, abet, and guide that divine wind into its full modal potential as the fountainhead of an alternative social matrix of substantive competitive cooperation.

I drank the niggerati kool-aid over fifteen years ago and have subsequently shared in common the same sacred regard for what Zora recognized and had total faith in - the inestimable power of black folk-culture, or as Ishmael Reed called it, jes grew.

The more closely I read you PT, the clearer it becomes that this is a significant point of departure in our respective world views. Tell me something, have you found Cosby's recriminations of poor black folk troubling and disappointing, or are you in agreement for the most part with what he's been saying?

Submitted by cnulan on June 27, 2005 - 5:28pm.

As life has become bereft of community and extended family, as well as contact with nature, the inner reward system lacks many of its historical stimuli. It seems likely that the need for a new dopamine rush will be inversely proportional to the satisfaction received from traditional sources.

Money is inextricably tied to primal desires. The car ad shows you pretty girls with slippery thighs who will come to you as soon as you purchase that big SUV. Every part of town has little stores where you can run in and stuff food into your mouth. When your loneliness calls for a new electronic gadget to cuddle with, you grab the credit card and wander thru the electronic stores touching, fantasizing, eventually purchasing.

Why gadgets? Babies fixate on the first things they see. Your generation was dragged out of the womb into a brightly lit room full of instruments, then dumped into a metal crib while mommy got sewed up. Cars with nice soft cushions and exaggerated curves were almost as good as crawling back into the womb. Now it is the computer that captivates you. It has lots of the advantages of living with someone and fewer peccadilloes.

Shopping is a way to experience ersatz community. The mall and joining a gang are all the community that is available to many teens. Of course, those are very inadequate forms of community, and therefore meet one of the conditions for addiction. Eating pure, boiled down sugar juice, you will find it nearly impossible to get addicted. White sugar is addictive OTOH because it arouses an expectation that it never fully satisfies. An aspect of addiction is compulsively repeating looking for what is missing.

Indian monkeys could serve as a valid model of crazed Murkan consumers and the kneegrows they seduced. In India, the usual way of trapping monkeys is to make a small hole in a hollow gourd, chain the gourd to a tree and fill it with nuts and raisins. The monkey squeezes its hand into the hole and grabs the goodies. The trapper then steps out of his hiding place and the monkey tries to run away. But it will not open its greedy little fist which cannot pass thru the hole in the gourd.

Sound familiar?

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 27, 2005 - 5:50pm.

The more closely I read you PT, the clearer it becomes that this is a significant point of departure in our respective world views.

Is it necessary to agree with your world view?

Here's a metaphor from my wasted youth. Me and my cousin used to see these two excellent females that lived near each other. About a half-hour drive...I had a job and no car, he had a car, a year's worth of paid up insurance but was between gigs. I bought gas and he drove us to our respective destinations for our respective reasons.


Submitted by cnulan on June 27, 2005 - 5:57pm.

You and your cousin were in agreement about your love for excellent nookie....,

Submitted by cnulan on June 27, 2005 - 6:06pm.

Zora Neale Hurston was born on January 7, 1901 in Eatonville Florida. Eatonville is a community of black people that have enormous respect for themselves and for their ability to govern themselves. Growing up, Zora Neale Hurston experienced separate but equal politics of Eatonville. This experience deeply affected her outlook on racial issues.

Zora Neale Hurston’s father, John Hurston, was a tenant farmer and a Baptist minister, as well as the mayor of Eatonville. His sermons were an important influence on her style of writing, Her mother, Lucy Ann Hurston, encouraged her to do her best and to challenge herself.

Today, she is a heroine to the people of Eatonville. Eatonville remains, today, an all black town which governs itself.

Submitted by ptcruiser on June 27, 2005 - 6:17pm.

You are still avoiding the issues you previously raised. Your references to the rates of HIV infection etc. among blacks is not any proof that ending legally enforced racial segregation was harmful to black Americans. Are you asserting that none of these deplorable conditions would exist if our children were still forbidden by law and custom from attending public schools with whites?

I am not uninformed regarding Zora Neale's intemperate attacks against the legal efforts to end racially based segregation. There is a certain point, my friend, in political affairs where standing for principle means little other than condemning folks, who you otherwise claim to love, to death and destruction. Zora Neale was part and parcel of the integrationist crowd and the personal reasons for her eventual separation, as opposed to the political reasons offered by her biographers and champions, are as murky and ambiguous as some other aspects of her life.

Nonetheless, I have a great deal of respect and admiration for her and her struggles and accomplishments. I don't agree with her attack on the Brown decision. It was an intemperate and almost willfully self-destructive act on her part. I don't think that George Schuyler is as misunderstood and loathed as much as you might tend to believe. I do think he became increasingly embittered over the years and the further to the right he moved the less that what he wrote and commented on bore any relevance to the lives of the people he most wanted to influence.

I am declining to enlist for either side of the Bill Cosby divide. I feel like that kid in the film "Putney Swope" who on being introduced to Putney says, "Fuck the establishment and fuck the anti-establishment establishment." I think the chief difference between most poor people and me is that they ain't got no money. If they had money then all that stuff about how they speak English or wear their jeans wouldn't mean a thing in American society. Paris Hilton, for example, is simply poor white trash who happens to be an heiress to a real estate fortune. She and her sister, in my opinion, look and act like poor white trash but nobody cares because they have money and they are white. I am not getting in the middle of that debate regarding Cosby's remarks. It is a sideshow event.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 27, 2005 - 6:58pm.

You and your cousin were in agreement about your love for excellent nookie....,

And that's about the right level of specificity for social and political coalitions. A tighter alignment is needed for an alliance...

Submitted by cnulan on June 27, 2005 - 8:51pm.

You are still avoiding the issues you previously raised. Your references to the rates of HIV infection etc. among blacks is not any proof that ending legally enforced racial segregation was harmful to black Americans. Are you asserting that none of these deplorable conditions would exist if our children were still forbidden by law and custom from attending public schools with whites?

Without a million black men in the prison industrial, HIV infection rates would be dramatically lower. No ifs ands or buts. Beyond this, however, I'm asserting that 50 additional years of jes grew emergent from heterogeneous black interpersonal communion would have been of inestimable value when compared and contrasted with the utterly fragmented and emasculated diasporan shell that is the afterbirth of the civil rights movement.

The Civil Rights struggle, at its deepest and most profound levels,was never just about acquiring material creature comforts. It was for many of us about transforming and changing America into a nation and society where the buying and selling of products, labor etc. weren't the highest callings.

It failed. The Civil Rights struggle transformed nothing. It merely accelerated Murka's extraction, commodification, assimilation and isolation of members of formerly segregated black America that had performed a guardian role within our community. The Civil Rights struggle did not change Murka, it simply destroyed black America.

Reciprocity time.

I've asked and been stonewalled on several fundamental questions on this thread segment alone;

1. What now? My kingdom for a single interesting policy proposal....,

2. what data do you have to support your contention that the segregated U.S. was in any way qualitatively more harmful to blacks than the contemporary prison industrial, apartheid social-custom U.S.?

3. What organic competencies have flourished among blacks since the throwing over of Jim Crow?

4. What organic competencies have greatly diminished among blacks since the throwing over of Jim Crow?

Submitted by ptcruiser on June 27, 2005 - 9:28pm.

"It failed. The Civil Rights struggle transformed nothing. It merely accelerated Murka's extraction, commodification, assimilation and isolation of members of formerly segregated black America that had performed a guardian role within our community. The Civil Rights struggle did not change Murka, it simply destroyed black America."

This is a preposterously absurd claim! Do you have any genuine lived experience of what America felt like for the overwhelming majority of black Americans prior to the Civil Rights Movement? Do you realize that black people did not enjoy living under the humiliating boot heel of racially based laws and customs?

I was there, my friend, during those days. The black elite didn't play any guardian role on behalf of the black masses. They might have played the role of gatekeepers - a function many of them still perform - but guardians? I was there. We did our damndest to remove many of them from leadership roles in the 1960s and early 1970s because of their selfish egocentric ineffectiveness. There was no good old days.

The only folks I hear talking about the good old days of racial segregation are nostalgic southern white crackers and college educated blacks of your generation. Not one older black man or woman I ever knew as a child, teenager and young adult ever waxed on about the benefits of racially enforced segregation. You are pining for a dead order of things. Get over it. Those days are dead and buried.

Your questions have been repeatedly answered. Simply because you don't care for the answers doesn't mean that I should be required to answer them again. By the way, you or LS posted one of my policy proposals about housing several months ago at Vision Circle. What organic competencies do you believe have been lost since the throwing over of Jim Crow? I haven't seen any evidence that black people have lost any group competencies or skills that they were in possession of prior to 1965. What has changed, perhaps, is that the venues in which these competencies and skills could be actualized and displayed have diminished but this change is not the result of ending racially based segregation laws.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 27, 2005 - 9:50pm.

What is an "organic competency"?

Submitted by cnulan on June 27, 2005 - 10:10pm.

My mother was also a true believer that white folks ice is colder. All those hurty feelings about what she imagined she missed out on in segregated schools, all the while ignoring the facts of her high performing literacy, numeracy, and the carefully cultivated musicality she displayed as a trained concert pianist - product of segregated schools - and loved by generations of folks who listened to her play in churches and halls all across the midwest.

If you mean to tell me that black on black violence and criminality were then what they are now, then you've ventured into the realm of the absurd or into denial so deep that it borders on the same. I leave it to you to offer more compelling causal or correlative factors underscoring these - >degenerate conditions .

When I was a kid, my segregated community felt like heaven on earth. I was three minutes walk from three doctors offices, a dentist, two attorneys, two full service grocery stores, a hardware store, 4 full service service stations, and countless other riches in my fully segregated community. That same community is now a wasteland. These same folks were neighbors, friends, and regular features of a now lost way of life. All of that is now permanently lost to the black community it once comprised.

As a 30 year experiment in forced integration, I've had a belly full of Murkaness. Given that I've got another 30 productive years to go and the well-being of my children to consider, I'm disinclined to blithely accept the status quo as anything worth preserving.

Prom season came and went this year with only two calls from the lonely suburban wasteland for *help* finding suitable black dates/escorts for the children of black professionals living in lily white suburban hells..,

You haven't answered a single one of my questions PT and I'm pretty sure I understand why. While I thought you had some interesting ideas about Detroit several months ago, and a sharp as tacks command of contemporary history, your taste in ice leaves me extremely cold.

Submitted by cnulan on June 27, 2005 - 10:17pm.

What is an "organic competency"?

The ability to make and do things, a trade, craft or occupation that involves anything more substantive than ritually pushing paper, managing relationships, and running your mouth.

all that good old Booker T materiality that bourgiecrats ran from like the plague. when I was 25 years old and being courted for managerial responsibilities, I made a vow to myself then and there that I would never let my technical skills go fallow.., consequently, I've continued to hone these skills to point where I can now be assured of journeyman work anywhere in the world where UNIX, IOS, and NT Kernal Hive are spoken. I'm also a damn good gunsmith.

Submitted by ptcruiser on June 27, 2005 - 10:59pm.

"You haven't answered a single one of my questions PT and I'm pretty sure I understand why. While I thought you had some interesting ideas about Detroit several months ago, and a sharp as tacks command of contemporary history, your taste in ice leaves me extremely cold."

Your penchant for petty personal insults doesn't exactly leave me feeling warmly disposed toward you either. The losses you describe in the community where you grew up weren't the result of integration or the Supreme Court finding for the plantiffs in Brown or a Murkan plot (they aren't that smart and we aren't that stupid as a people). I feel sorry for you. For all your writing and talking about community you couldn't even conduct yourself in a relatively civil manner toward me over matters that I don't regard as make or break issues with friends, colleagues or even acquaintances. I think you have a venomous attitude toward people who don't always agree with you and you hide it behind a torrent of words. What shines through to me is your animosity and arrogance. You need to give up white people. I suspect that if you were given a chance to call the shots in an all black community that you would put people to death for getting a parking ticket.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 27, 2005 - 11:18pm.

We're even, right?

And yeah, Craig, you need to turn it down. 

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 27, 2005 - 11:29pm.

What is an "organic competency"?

The ability to make and do things, a trade, craft or occupation that involves anything more substantive than ritually pushing paper, managing relationships, and running your mouth.

Launching Ark B...

So you're asking what is the Black  community's economic niche. Because if you're asking about "organic competencies" on the individual level, the answer is all of them.

On the collective level, our niches are "civil servant," and "cannon fodder." 

Submitted by cnulan on June 28, 2005 - 9:33am.

For all your writing and talking about community you couldn't even conduct yourself in a relatively civil manner toward me over matters that I don't regard as make or break issues with friends, colleagues or even acquaintances. I think you have a venomous attitude toward people who don't always agree with you and you hide it behind a torrent of words. What shines through to me is your animosity and arrogance.

I'm unconventional. This "pressing of corns" is the only way to cause another to manifest what he or she most closely identifies with - through this attenuated medium.

I would have no need for this in person, and I promise not to do it to you here anymore.

BTW - the only thing that can possibly shine through at this far remove is the picture you have constructed from these words, a mental representation of what you suppose me to be. The vice is of course versa. (:

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 28, 2005 - 10:06am.

This "pressing of corns" is the only way to cause another to manifest what he or she most closely identifies with - through this attenuated medium.

Not true. 

Plus, it WILL make one manefest what they feel is the way to respond to someone that presses their corns. It does it every time.

Adds resistance. Sets you over apart from people that would otherwise work with you.

On the whole, an abominable technique  

Submitted by cnulan on June 28, 2005 - 4:21pm.

it WILL make one manefest what they feel

in response to what they imagine, period.

Work is impossible in that condition.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 28, 2005 - 6:02pm.

it WILL make one manefest what they feel

in response to what they imagine, period.

Did you, or did you not intentionally step on they corns?

I'm unconventional. This "pressing of corns" is the only way to cause another to manifest what he or she most closely identifies with - through this attenuated medium.

Never mind.

That is not imaginary. That is what they will respond to because they are only considering what you say. What you DO manifests objectively.

And objectively, you offend intentionally sometimes.

Don't ever expect people not to act offended when you do that. 


Submitted by cnulan on June 28, 2005 - 11:07pm.

How many rounds of pure human evasion does it take to get to a single profitable answer to a simple question?

1. 2. 3. CRUNCH!!!

You know how I expect people to act..,

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 29, 2005 - 12:06am.

How many rounds of pure human evasion does it take to get to a single profitable answer to a simple question?

Depends on the human. You may never get it.

Now. Need I bring forth the denial of evasions technique? Or will pointing out how denying your obvious intent is beneath you suffice?

You know how I expect people to act..,

Do they act that way?

As I said, stepping on corns is an abominable technique...and as Rev. Al would say, it doesn't even work. 


Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 29, 2005 - 12:06am.

...unless you're just flexing, of course.

Submitted by ptcruiser on June 29, 2005 - 5:26am.

"The ball is still in Zora Neale's and Justice Thomas's court. If they were dissatisfied with the Court's reasoning and the oral and written arguments that were presented in favor of the position that the Court eventually adopted as its own, then what arguments do you think they should have presented in support of racially segregated school systems?"

Submitted by ptcruiser on June 29, 2005 - 5:30am.

"You are still avoiding the issues you previously raised. Your references to the rates of HIV infection etc. among blacks is not any proof that ending legally enforced racial segregation was harmful to black Americans. Are you asserting that none of these deplorable conditions would exist if our children were still forbidden by law and custom from attending public schools with whites?"

Submitted by ptcruiser on June 29, 2005 - 5:34am.

"What data do you have to support your belief that the prison industrial system is currently more harmful to the majority of black Americans than the system of Jim Crow laws and practices that were in place prior to 1965?"

Submitted by ptcruiser on June 29, 2005 - 6:02am.

"This "pressing of corns" is the only way to cause another to manifest what he or she most closely identifies with - through this attenuated medium."

Your promise to refrain from insulting me in the future means absolutely nothing to me. It is presumptuous in the extreme for you to assert that you have some right or duty to intentionally insult me or anyone else for that matter on the grounds that you are trying to reveal "what he or she most closely identifies with..." This attitude reveals a lack of respect and regard for the opinions and beliefs of others, which is essential to establishing any community.

There really is no acceptable excuse for the degree of personal invective and lack of common courtesy and respect that you have displayed toward me on more than one occasion. You have, for example, been no more diligent about answering my questions than you have alleged about me regarding your questions. My questions at least were based entirely on the subject under discussion. Your questions, in my opinion, were simply digressions and manifestations of what I believe is a great deal of passive-aggressive behavior.

Since you have shown no signs that you intend to treat me in a civil fashion whenever we disagree you have left me with no choice but to refrain from communicating with you at all for any reason whatsoever. As far as I am concerned you have stepped way over an ethical line with me. Our communication, such as it was, is finished for now and for the foreseeable future.

Submitted by cnulan on June 29, 2005 - 9:56am.

So you're asking what is the Black community's economic niche.

The black community's economic niche is self-evident. The challenge is to establish a durable foundation of psychological, cultural, and political self-determination around the same. It is clear that that can only occur in a local Work context.

Radical self-determination begins with the individual psyche. One by himself can do tremendous things. A group of conscious egoists Working on themselves, on one another, and for the benefit of the Work...? Like a powerplant.

Everything else is merely conversation.

How many rounds of pure human evasion does it take
to get to a single profitable answer to a simple question?

Depends on the human. You may never get it.

A dissolute addict will invariably and heroically rationalize his degenerate state. I'm not Rev. Al-anon, that's not my job.

You know how I expect people to act..,

Do they act that way?

You can set your watch by an addict, sleeper, machine. The chance encounter with genuine subjectivity is easily worth that.

P6 - you know how this goes. Aside from the obvious embargo on corn pressing, tell me what would you do to make it otherwise? Where is the profit in going round in circles? Provoking thought, manufacturing uncertainty, for the benefit of those who prefer to sleep, does that even deter bedsores?

Submitted by cnulan on June 29, 2005 - 10:14am.

Your questions, in my opinion, were simply digressions and manifestations of what I believe is a great deal of passive-aggressive behavior.

passivity? moi?

Since you have shown no signs that you intend to treat me in a civil fashion whenever we disagree you have left me with no choice but to refrain from communicating with you at all for any reason whatsoever.

what you feel, and what you say - are at cross-purposes. in order to be honest with me, you must at least be honest with yourself.

Submitted by dwshelf on June 29, 2005 - 11:04am.

cnulan, I'm a bit attracted to your notion of all black neighborhoods.  Not because I want black people gone from where I am, but because I associate the concept with the large Chinese family organizations I observe in California.  These families support each other, share investment pools, start businesses, hire each other's kids and then friends.  They wouldn't hire me, not to work in their enterprise.  But they do make excellent members of society and of the economy.

So that's a model of voluntary discrimination which works.  No one has to join.  If anything, it's slightly extra-legal, certainly not enforced by law.

What works is a community, which is similar to what you suggest existed in bygone eras and is missing today.  There's nothing requiring that community to be segregated or integrated, but something must bind it together in a way which yields authority and makes resources available to those who need them.  It's a bit socialist in that way.  Membes are expected to give of their time, talents, and money to advance other members.  It need not be perfect, and all communities are rejected by some percentage of people born into them.

Does that perspective work at all for you? 

Submitted by ptcruiser on June 29, 2005 - 11:25am.

DW, there are no all or even predominantly Chinese neighborhoods in Oakland or the East Bay. Many of the Chinese that you see, for example, in Oakland's Chinatown don't live there and have never lived there. The same is true in San Francisco. African Americans are going to have to figure out how to create economic, investment and employment opportunities that reflect their contemporary needs and relationships both within and outside of the black community. One of my oldest and closest friends has a daughter who is a dentist. Her practice is thriving and most of her clients are black. Her office, however, is located in the Embarcadero Center in downtown San Francisco, not in a black neighborhood like Bay View Hunters Point, Fillmore or West Oakland.

Submitted by dwshelf on June 29, 2005 - 11:31am.

DW, there are no all or even predominantly Chinese neighborhoods in Oakland or the East Bay.

Agreed, PT.  The communities I understand are not geographic.  They're like you suggest later.  But they definitely are communities. 

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 29, 2005 - 1:01pm.


Aside from the obvious embargo on corn pressing, tell me what would you do to make it otherwise?

I do have a very, very cnulan-specific response that starts out with

what you feel, and what you say - are at cross-purposes. in order to be honest with me, you must at least be honest with yourself.

We acknowledge at this point the offense is intentional. I don't understand what it's intended to do. Not if nation building is the point.

You are by no means unique in baffling me this way, so this is a general response.

There is no nation now. You have to draw people in, invite people in, because they don't believe you yet. Offending people does not draw them in. Especially when you go after someone with whom you're in basic solidarity.

Seriously, extract the ideas and consider the is what you do different than those Black Conservatives that attack the community? I tell DW domination is a non-starter and let some brothas kick it like that? I don't think so...I didn't say WHITE domination is a non-starter.

What would I do to make it otherwise? You and I aren't doing the same thing, I've always known that. Our operating space overlaps...

What do I think I should do? Watch what I do...that's the best answer. 

Submitted by cnulan on June 30, 2005 - 2:19pm.

Sorry bout the drop-off. Looooong road trip between me and my last Internet connection..,

To answer your questions serially P6;

Cell-building is the full extent of what is feasible. what cells do once they're viable remains to be seen, but making viable cells is for the good.

Nation building was infeasible when we were physically coherent - or hasn't the abject failure of the civil rights movement demonstrated that in no uncertain terms? Black folks lost the integration core war. The exemplars of the movement, both smiling and stern, got shot, period.

The question is why? The answer is because we were psychological dependants asking for altruism. Altruism has never been Murka's strong suite. In retrospect, it's very easy to be critical of such an ahistorical and infantile expectation. This is why I refuse to monday morning quarterback the thinking of the day. I'll tell you in no uncertain terms my interpretation of its results, but there's no profit to be had from revisiting its errors other than to assert what must not be repeated. Suffice it to say that the lawyers-in-charge negotiated from a psychologically weak and compromised position. Too many of us then lacked unitary and self-determined psyches - the harsh term for describing this state would be owned down to the root.

P6, knowing what you know about what you know, would you ever even consider constructing a network from demonstrably trojaned, hacked, or 0wn3d systems? Of course not.

Why then consider doing anything with demonstrably trojaned, hacked, or 0wn3d people?

Luke 16.10 " He who is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much;
and he who is dishonest in a very little is dishonest also in much. 16.11 If then you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will entrust to you the true riches? 16.12 And if you have not been faithful in that which is another's, who will give you that which is your own?

Me, I have the feeling the U.S.ofA. is going to functionally disaggregate...functionally the national citizen (thank you, Lester) will cease to be. One major repercussion of this will be that your rights will be the sum of the rights of all your in-groups, as those in-groups are perceived in the particular (probably) state (though it may seriously be more "fine grained"than that).

So-called black conservatives, or kneegrows who espouse white-identity politics are 0wn3d and so badly broken that all they're capable of doing is spewing maldata. Black-identified folk who talk a strong game but are utterly contented with the status quo, so much so they consider the civil rights movement a success for blacks rather than for Murkan assimilation of blacks - are not in solidarity with me. They lack that which is their own.

You know that in my world-view psychological self-determination is paramount. Not ideological, not economic, but conscious. I start at the kernal and extend out from there. I can invite the young into that level of engagement, thus, for example, I tend to be patient with young folk mired in sophistry - it is possible that no one has pointed out to them a psychological perspective on reality. This is, after all, not an area of high cultural competency in the western world.

I'm not looking for agreement. Ideological agreement has no greater value to me than agreement that 2+2=4. If we are each of us realists, using logic and facts to undergird our respective interpretations of reality, then it is inevitable that we will agree. All that hangs in the balance is equilibration of facts. This is a superficial or application layer of engagement. There is nothing ineffable here.

As you well know, however, an immediate problem arises even at this superficial layer because we're not all realists. We're not all equally engaged in a search for objective truth. Many, even when presented with the facts and supporting logic, simply cannot reconfigure their processes to do 2+2=4. If it were otherwise, then your work here would've been finished a looong time ago.

My interest lies below the realist application layer. It doesn't take me that many cycles to ascertain whether or not I'm dealing with realist fellow traveler or an exemplar of human evasion. When it's the latter, I'm going to reach right out under that application layer and start to scan and interrogate processes subserving that non-fellow traveler's conscientious denial of reality.

At the end of the day, my interest is in psychological community building as the foundation for empirical community building. It seems to me that this is the sine qua non of preventing the recurrence of past failures.

Submitted by cnulan on June 30, 2005 - 2:46pm.

Black-identified folk who talk a strong game but are utterly contented with the status quo, so much so they consider the civil rights movement a success for blacks rather than for Murkan assimilation of blacks - are not in solidarity with me. They lack that which is their own.

Minor clarification or amplification is in order here;

The Murkan system of production is demonstrably violent, immoral, unsustainable, and psychologically damaging to its constituents. On any dimension of its organization or operation - it is a culture decidedly NOT worth assimilating oneself to. The present political moment is a shining demonstration of the core deficiencies in the Murkan polity.

The proposition is not an either/or, love it or leave it one either. Only a fool would permit it to be so simply framed. There are other, better ways of organizing human beings. All of these depend on a different type of psycho-social grounding. Continuing black cultural expression of competitive cooperation as a primary cultural aesthetic has consistently exemplified a genuine cultural alternative, right smack dab in the middle of Murka, but not of Murka...,

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 30, 2005 - 4:55pm.

When it's the latter, I'm going to reach right out under that application layer and start to scan and interrogate processes subserving that non-fellow traveler's conscientious denial of reality.

Why? And how mechanically predictable does that make you?

From your view it's a waste of time anyway, since they are so mechanical.

Submitted by cnulan on June 30, 2005 - 8:08pm.


It's my nature to fish, and habit to chum..,

And how mechanically predictable does that make you?

Less mechanical than if I repeatedly caught evaders and then simply threw them back only to catch them over and over again.

From your view it's a waste of time anyway, since they are so mechanical.

I seldom even move the blade, and the severity of the cut is always exactly proportional to the intensity of the evasion. Pronimoi don't get cut, and morai cut themselves to little hurty pieces..,

Chumming per se is not that commonly used since it uses a fair amount of fish to work efficiently and poses a very real danger from sharks in many places. Notwithstanding this, it is a great way to lure large gamefish into range.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 30, 2005 - 8:11pm.

So you will continue to intentionally offend people that have already shown themselves to agree with you.

It's my nature to fish, and habit to chum..,

Which means you aren't doing a damn thing constructiuve?

See? You DON'T have to step on corns to bring out true intent.

We will not continue in this vein, okay? 

Submitted by cnulan on June 30, 2005 - 8:27pm.

I don't seek or require agreement.

There's no profit in simply validating ones own opinions.

In this particular case, however, it happens that we don't agree on any substantive issues.., as you're very well aware, I'm a murderous, intolerant, white-hating extremist who brooks no disagreement and would execute people over parking tickets.

Submitted by cnulan on June 30, 2005 - 8:42pm.

What's stupid is expecting dopamine addicts to kick whole body habits on the basis of flickers of headbrain truth. It just doesn't work that way. No matter how many epiphanies are carefully constructed , and these take considerable time and effort mind you, the addict's entropic urge to stick with habit and rationalize and excuse the same is overwhelming.

Ritual addiction comfortably justifies monstrousness. The status quo really isn't so bad after all...,

Submitted by cnulan on June 30, 2005 - 9:25pm.

We will not continue in this vein, okay?

I stopped quite a few posts ago.., you had further concerns.

Which means you aren't doing a damn thing constructiuve?

Do you want me to confess the error of my ways and repent?

See? You DON'T have to step on corns to bring out true intent.

I think you do good Work P6, but tell me, how many successful negro transplants or installations have you performed to date? Just a ballpark estimate.., testimonials perhaps?

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 30, 2005 - 10:03pm.

What's stupid is expecting dopamine addicts to kick whole body habits on the basis of flickers of headbrain truth.

I told you, what I'm doing isn't what you're doing.

Which means you aren't doing a damn thing constructiuve?

Do you want me to confess the error of my ways and repent?

Just recognizing that I may take it into account. 

Now, if YOU'RE not trying to make them kick their body habits, what ARE you doing? Seriously.

Me, I'm following Zarathustra's advice: if you're not the Overman, it's your job to pave the way. Teach critical thought and let them arrange their own ephiphanies. Show where they're strong because they know where they're weak. Help folks grow until their scars are so relatively small they're not noticable.

how many successful negro transplants or installations have you performed to date?

 None. That's not what I do.

Submitted by cnulan on July 2, 2005 - 9:23am.

Now, if YOU'RE not trying to make them kick their body habits, what ARE you doing? Seriously.

Now we begin a remote approach to the gist...,

Me, I have the feeling the U.S.ofA. is going to functionally disaggregate...functionally the national citizen (thank you, Lester) will cease to be. One major repercussion of this will be that your rights will be the sum of the rights of all your in-groups, as those in-groups are perceived in the particular (probably) state (though it may seriously be more "fine grained" than that).

Building on my key takeaways..., If you sincerely anticipate an emergent post-statist social order P6, what would enjoy a higher priority than seeking out or organizing the strongest possible affinity-group-based alternative? An alternative strong enough to viably weather the turbulence in store.

1. If you were a seeker of such a group, what group characteristics would you look for?

2. If you were an organizer of such a group, what individual characteristics would you look for?

3. Start with the assumption that black-identity has proven itself insufficient to the tests of affinity and durability...,

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 2, 2005 - 9:44am.

Answer my question, CN.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 2, 2005 - 9:53am. 500 words or less.

Submitted by cnulan on July 3, 2005 - 7:40am.

Trawling for natural immunes..,

Submitted by cnulan on July 3, 2005 - 7:52am.

Incorporating the same - both locally and remotely - into a stable, effective, developmentally-oriented, and affinity-based organization with a proven record of freeing young minds from hegemonic impairment.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 3, 2005 - 8:13am.

Trawling for natural immunes..

As a natural immune, I can tell you we don't like working with people that act all stank. 

Submitted by cnulan on July 3, 2005 - 8:24am.

You speak for all immunes, or just the segment that specializes in idle conversation?

Submitted by cnulan on July 3, 2005 - 9:17am.

psychological hermeneutics..,

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 3, 2005 - 10:02am.

You speak for all immunes

In this case I speak fot all humans. 

Your penchant for personal attack doesn't reflect well on you or your cause. You need to stop. 

Submitted by cnulan on July 3, 2005 - 12:17pm.

You see and hear at least part of what I do - and have never accused me of telling a lie..,

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 3, 2005 - 12:38pm.

What am I accusing you of?

Alienating people who could understand you and use what you say. And if what you say has truth, you are actually causing damage thereby.

You need to stop. You are responsible when your approach turns people away.

Submitted by cnulan on July 4, 2005 - 10:54am.


A mask exemplifying the pinpoint manifestation of culture. This culture's primary hegemonic suasion is dopamine addiction. Failing the smooth criminal approach, ultra-violent coercion. Exportation failure surrounds the hegemon on every side at this moment. It is now roiling in frustration that its modus operandi meets with determined resistance. I love the terminology used by the hegemon's minions to describe what's being peddled, freedom, democracy. Lies, lies, and damned lies...,

Exportation of dopamine addiction is not working well in Iraq, the northeastern part of Africa in general, {so-called Middle-East} and has been turned back in Cuba, Venezuela, and other points of determined resistance in the Caribbean and Latin America. India is a big ole ho, Pakistan and China still say no.

A quite large propaganda campaign is now afoot to ensure a foothold for dopaminergic orientation across the now amply decimated African continent. Like the Jesuitical grand master, so also the hegemon which holds that if you give it the boy, it will give you the man...,

This 40,000 foot perspective on neuropolitics is of course comprised of many fractally more interesting and evocative vistas of resolution than the big one. In the U.S., the primary historical and contemporary theatre of neuropolitical engagement has been across the color-line. Segregation gave rise to a pool of deep and robust resistance, or natural immunity to dopamine addiction. That has been a significant problem for the hegemon and its minions, but in the past two decades, the degree of internal resistance has been greatly lowered. The rest of the world waits for what Black Americans will do, ignorant of the fact of what has happened in the past decades will ensure that there won't be anymore conscious doing from a broken down and hooked black Murka, at all. Oh, Jesse Lee Peterson and Thomas Sowell may be the poster children for a turned out fools, but they're by no means alone in matters of substance.

Remember some months ago I spoke on the hegemon's odd liminal conjugation of altered states and black men? By and large, we don't use or abuse psychdelic drugs, with the exception of cannabis. Of course, this is an absolute core topic given the possible ecological and economic benefits of the industrial cultivation and use of the cannabis plant for textiles, paper, biomass, energy. Thermodynamic common sense has taken a decades long backseat to fear of neurocompetition.

Interestingly, the cultural prohibition of drugs by the hegemon has always drawn a racialized link between black men and altered states of consciousness. You only need listen to and observe it carefully and it will tell you everything you need to know about its M0.

In calling out the situation, {talking about Fight Club} dopamine addicts are provided with the means to deny their addiction. Do you have much experience with addiction behaviours? It's fascinating how fully and completely the persona of the addict is suborned by its presiding neurochemistry. Talk about 0wn3d...,

So you see, it is inevitable that the truth of what I say and the examples I make of dopaminergic post hoc rationalization will turn away precisely those least able to rid themselves of their addiction. Alienation of addicts is unavoidable except by silence.

What I say has an undisputed truth to it because the combination of specialist knowledge and freedom from dopaminergic control is rare in the wild. There are many who resist, but few who can put their finger on precisely what it is that is irritating like a splinter in their mind.

As I said earlier, it's not in my nature to play the Rev. Al-Anon role because it simply doesn't work. After all, it is as hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven..., being in its day the way of describing precisely what I'm talking about now.

Long story short, I think I'll just adhere to the rules of Fight Club and call it a day. Anyone able to fathom the gist, has been provided with more than enough dots to connect on their own, and polite dopaminergic discussion can continue free of concern for any more upsetting seratoninergic thuggery from me.

Submitted by dwshelf on July 4, 2005 - 11:38am.

So you see, it is inevitable that the truth of what I say

Strong truth is isolation. A wall to stay behind, nor can others come visit.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 4, 2005 - 12:05pm.


Fine, fine, fine.

My issue is maximum good for the maximum number of Black folks. I don't mind your trawling as long as you don't muddy up the waters for me.

Keep working with those who already agree with you. I'll keep working to expand the pool.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 4, 2005 - 12:15pm.

By the way:

So you see, it is inevitable that the truth of what I say and the examples I make of dopaminergic post hoc rationalization will turn away precisely those least able to rid themselves of their addiction. 

It turns away a lot more than addicts. And it's not yourself said you don't do it in person.

Consider our personal history. If I gauged things as you do, you would not have a single comment on this site. In fact, I'm probably the most forgiving "Black Bill O'Reilly" you ever accused of being a "Black Bill O'Reilly."

Submitted by ptcruiser on July 5, 2005 - 6:31pm.

"Common Sense for Drug Policy reports that nationwide one in every 20 black men over the age of 18 is in prison, and in five states the ratio is 13 to 1. This is compared to 1 in 180 White men. But Blacks aren’t doing more drugs.

"Douglas Husak, author of Legalize This!: The Case for Decriminalizing Drugs, says that White drug users outnumber Blacks by a five-to-one margin. But according to the US Department of Justice, Blacks comprise 56.7% of all drug offenders admitted to state prisons while Whites comprise only 23.3%. The bulk of the drugs consumed in this country are not sold on the street by minority-run gangs, they are sold by affluent Whites to other affluent Whites, who avoid the dangers involved in street dealing by getting their supply from higher up the food-chain, off the street, in private. Street dealing creates visible perpetrators, and since White people aren’t targeted in the same way by the police, because they aren’t visible to the police, one can only conclude that the enforcement community is primarily concerned with arresting the most visible, not necessarily the most influential, drug dealers. This theory is reinforced by the knowledge that bodies in cells equals dollars to the prison industry. Can you imagine the same police presence in the suburbs, trying to ferret out drug use in White subdivisions?

"Add to that that there are completely different sentencing guidelines (see “Miscarriage of Justice”) for possession of powdered cocaine versus possession of rock cocaine even though they are the same exact substance. Crack is generally cooked and dealt on the street by minority gangs, whereas powder generates from further up the chain."

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 5, 2005 - 8:10pm.

I'm waiting to see if this crystal meth "epidemic" gets the same treatment as the crack "epidemic."

Submitted by ptcruiser on July 5, 2005 - 10:51pm.

The crystal meth "epidemic" will be treated the same as the crack "epidemic" as long as the overwhelming majority of "waterheads" or "crankheads" are found among lower class or blue collar whites. If it becomes a major drug of choice among young, affluent middle class whites then the police arms of the state will eventually cede territory to the state's ameliorative hands.

Submitted by dwshelf on July 5, 2005 - 11:01pm.

The current administration is focused on marijuana.

 If it becomes a major drug of choice among young, affluent middle class whites then the police arms of the state will eventually cede territory to the state's ameliorative hands.

I don't see it.  Many heroin addicts can hold a job, so long as they can get their fix. Regular meth users cannot avoid scaring people with their behavior and their comments; being feared (and rightly so), they get fired from higher class jobs.

In low class jobs, irrational behavior is more tolerated. For one, the boss might well participate. 

Submitted by ptcruiser on July 5, 2005 - 11:06pm.

"Regular meth users cannot avoid scaring people with their behavior and their comments; being feared (and rightly so), they get fired from higher class jobs."

True, but many, many young, affluent middle class white kids are still hanging out at the homefront or either preparing to attend or are already enrolled in college.