I've been thinking.
I think a single flaw has twisted the thinking of every race man that ever put forth a plan to save the masses. I think our[!] error has been to try to create a new type of collective, composed solely of guys like me (whoever I am, doing the planning). If a potter started to wax philosophical about the destiny of Black folks, I guarantee crockery would be the decisive factor.
I'm thinking there is already a natural constituency, commonality and community among Black folks which somehow includes a lot of just normal people. We're not feeling out that connection, strengthening it, know what I'm saying?
Yeah, fine, I sound like a mystical Black essentialist. Whatever...I'm looking at Black folks with as much nationalism as Italian-Americans on Columbus Day. It's inchoate...literally... but it's actually there, as opposed to all the connections that would be there if our schemes come together.