The American Enterprise Institute decides to nip this Latino identity thing in the bud

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on September 29, 2005 - 7:16am.

Latinos don't need a made-up identity
Hispanic Heritage Month lumps together too many Latin American nationalities, ethnicities and cultures to have any real meaning.
By José Enrique Idler
José Enrique Idler, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, is writing a book on federal ethno-racial classification and Latino identity.
September 29, 2005

WE'RE IN THE middle of Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 each year. Since the celebration's inception during the Lyndon Johnson administration, it has been, along with other ethnic celebrations, a staple of the cultural diversity movement. As the appreciation for diversity has become stronger, so has the length of the celebration — from a week in 1968, it was extended to a month in 1988.

But do we need it at all?

What exactly does Hispanic Heritage Month celebrate? During this month, the Smithsonian Institution is planning to have a performance featuring the release of "Rolas de Aztlán: Songs of the Chicano Movement," along with Brazilian jazz and Andean music. It will also show movies on the cultural and artistic expressions of Latinos in the United States, mariachis and the victory of a black woman over racism in Brazil. National parks will put together concerts and festivals featuring performances ranging from Yoruba drums to Cueca dances, linking in one stroke Cuban Santeria religion (heavily influenced by African cultures) and Chilean folk dance.

In this potpourri of national folk music, dances and foods emerges the Latino heritage. But just as Christian philosopher Tertullian exclaimed, "What does Athens have to do with Jerusalem?" one is left wondering, what does Mexico have to do with Brazil? Are Cubans, Venezuelans, Salvadorans and Bolivians — not to mention national subgroups such as Quechuas and Yanomamos — members of the same family? Considering the strong national allegiances and identities of most Latin American nationals, whether in the U.S. or continent-wide Latin America, the answer is no.