Watch 'em blame Omarosa

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 10, 2005 - 9:29am.
on Media

"Please, God, let it be true" of note:

Is the reality boom over, or at least in decline?

As Reality TV Hits Maturity, Networks Lower Expectations

Reality television has generated some of the biggest, most talked-about hits for broadcast networks in the last five years. But as a new television season begins, some industry executives are looking at the early ratings returns and whispering a question: Is the reality boom over, or at least in decline?

Some stalwarts of the reality trend have lost some steam this fall, including the show that really started it all, "Survivor" on CBS, as well as a more recent breakout reality hit, "The Apprentice" on NBC. Viewership for "Survivor" is down 10 to 15 percent from last season's two editions. Another long-running reality hit, "The Amazing Race" on CBS, is experiencing similar declines from its numbers last season.

"My own feeling is, these are aging franchises," said Ben Silverman, a reality producer ("The Biggest Loser" on NBC) and one of the early advocates of the genre when he worked as the agent who helped transport shows like "Big Brother," "Who Wants to Be Millionaire," and "Survivor" from Europe to American television.

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Submitted by dwshelf on October 10, 2005 - 10:02pm.

What on earth was that single ad I saw yesterday about girls on trampolines as a spectator sport?  I was wondering, is this what's becoming of reality shows?  A combination of Apprentice and Benny Hill?