You realize if cultural imperialism stops working they'll have to go back to bullets, right?

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 21, 2005 - 2:11pm.
on Culture wars | Media

Quote of note:

She contended that dictators could potentially use it to control what their citizens read.

You don't need a dictator for that. You just need Rupert Murdoch. 


U.N. Body Endorses Cultural Protection
U.S. Objections Are Turned Aside
By Molly Moore
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, October 21, 2005; A14

PARIS, Oct. 20 -- In a vote cast as a battle of global conformity vs. cultural diversity, delegates to a U.N. agency turned aside strong U.S. objections Thursday and overwhelmingly approved the first international treaty designed to protect movies, music and other cultural treasures from foreign competition.

The 148 to 2 vote at the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization emerged as a referendum on the world's love-hate relationship with Hollywood, Big Macs and Coca-Cola.

"The American delegate doesn't like to hear the word 'protection,' " Joseph Yai Olabiyi Babalola, clad in the ornate gold robes of his tiny country, Benin, told UNESCO delegates. "Not all countries are equal -- some need to be protected."

U.S. officials say the measure could be used to unfairly obstruct the flow of ideas, goods and services across borders. Films and music are among the United States' largest exports -- the foreign box-office take for American movies was $16 billion in 2004. Assuring access to overseas markets for these products has been a prime U.S. goal at the World Trade Organization.

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Submitted by Quaker in a Basement on October 21, 2005 - 11:22pm.

Films and music are among the United States' largest exports

Oh, I hope that's wrong. Have we really sunk so far that Dodgeball 2 is what we have to offer the rest of the world?