Someone explain something to me, please

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 22, 2005 - 11:16am.
on Race and Identity

Could someone explain to me how this editorial came to inspire invective like this:

Some folks are really touchy these days. Take, for instance, these four readers: D.G., J., W.T. and D.L. They didn't care for my column on Harriet Miers ["The Right, on Fire Over Miers," Oct. 8] and thus availed themselves of the opportunity to tell me so by e-mail.

Wrote D.G.: "Some portly Episcopalian [an indelicate reference to moi ] who condones the systemic elimination of the helpless Unborn styles himself a good heart because he happens to be black and benefiting from the Graham family's quota mania. What a joke!!!"

From J.: "If you weren't Black, you wouldn't get a job in journalism. You are in due to a tacit quota system."

And W.T.: "Reading your article is like watching a black minstrel doing his song and dance with words. Pure buffoonery! Affirmative action writer in action."

Finally, D.L.: "king...your article was biased and fulla[expletive] . . . so pack it up your liberal [expletive] sideways."

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Submitted by DarkStar on October 22, 2005 - 2:49pm.

Do you remember when Michelle Malkin was whining about abusive email she received? I mentioned that King, and others, received abusive email as well and that it is part of being a public writer. At the time, right leaning bloggers were saying how much it was a shame that she received such email.

I wondered what was the big deal. Casey L. even blasted me for it, going so far as to lie about what I wrote at the time.

I bet none of those commentators will say jack about King's piece.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 22, 2005 - 3:21pm.

Of course they won't.

I expect the occasional obnoxiousness over my race positions...that I've gotten so few of them is a mark of my influence, I guess. But ol' Colbert didn't even write about race, he was writing about the Supreme Court, for Chrissake. Malkin at least was writing about race issues when folks teed off on her.

It's like any time a Black person disagrees with me, it's because of affirmative action. Know what I mean?